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कुमार विश्वास ने बिग बॉस के सामने रखी शर्त – 21 करोड़ रूपए दें शहीद-विधवा कोष में
प्रख्यात हिंदी कवि और आम आदमी पार्टी नेता डा० कुमार विश्वास के बिग बॉस में जाने के बारे में लगाए जा रहे कयासों ने आज एक बार फिर रफ़्तार पकड़ी। एक अखबार में आई खबर की पुष्टि करते हुए डा कुमार विश्वास ने कहा, कि उन्होंने बिग बॉस के निर्माताओं के सामने एक शर्त रखी थी, जिसमें उन्होंने कहा था, कि वो बिग बॉस द्वारा प्रस्तावित सारी धन राशि राजकीय शहीद विधवा कोष में दान करना चाहते हैं। लेकिन उनकी शर्त यह थी, कि बिग बॉस अपनी तरफ से उस राशि में इतना जोड़ दें, कि यह डोनेशन कुल 21 करोड़ रूपए का हो जाए।
डा कुमार विश्वास ने बताया, कि शहीदों के परिवारों के लिए कुछ करने की इच्छा उनके मन थी, लेकिन उनके लिए कुछ बड़ा कर पाने के लिए कुमार को किसी बड़े प्लेटफार्म की तलाश थी। बिग बॉस को एक वृहद और आर्थिक रूप से सक्षम मंच मानते हुए उन्होंने कहा कि अगर ऐसा होता है, तो यह 21 करोड़ रूपए उनकी तरफ से, बिग बॉस के निर्माताओं की तरफ से और बिग बॉस के दर्शकों की तरफ से शहीदों को एक छोटा सा सलाम होगा।
इस सन्दर्भ में ऑल इण्डिया एन्टी-टेररिस्ट फ्रंट के अध्यक्ष श्री मनिंदरजीत सिंह बिट्टा ने प्रेस कांफ्रेंस कर के इस कदम को सराहा। उन्होंने डा कुमार विश्वास को बधाई देते हुए कहा है, कि उन्होंने एक नई परम्परा की शुरुआत की है। उन्होंने यह भी कहा कि अन्य कलाकारों को भी इस परंपरा को आगे बढ़ाना चाहिए और यदि एक प्रतिभागी के रूप में डा कुमार विश्वास स्वयं को मिलने वाले लगभग 5 करोड़ रूपए इस बड़े उद्देश्य के लिए दे सकते हैं, तो बिग बॉस के निर्माताओं को भी इसमें आगे बढ़ कर आना चाहिए, क्योंकि देश के एक-एक सैनिक का हर भारतीय पर क़र्ज़ है।
अपुष्ट सूत्रों से पता चला है कि बिग बॉस के निर्माताओं और कलर्स ने डा कुमार विश्वास के इस प्रस्ताव को सहमति नहीं दी है।
संलग्न: डा कुमार विश्वास द्वारा बिग बॉस के निर्माताओं को लिखी गई चिट्ठी
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UNICEF launches Child-friendly Schools and Systems Package
NEW DELHI, India, September 4 – UNICEF, today launched a package that aims to make schools child-friendly and ensure secure, safe, rights-based, quality education, for each and every child. The launch of Child-friendly Schools and Systems package is a part of the UNCT Campaign on Education for India being organised in the month of September 2014, which is in line with the UN Secretary General’s Global Education First Initiative (GEFI).
The ‘Child-friendly Schools and Systems’ (CFSS) package highlights the need to keep continuous focus on the qualitative aspect of the Right to Education. It is designed to enable all children to benefit from child-friendly and inclusive learning environments. The launch was presided by Mr. Louis-Georges Arsenault, UNICEF India representative; Ms Kushal Singh, Chairperson, National Commission for Protection of Child Rights and UNICEF Celebrity Advocate for Education Kareena Kapoor. (Watch video- link to be inserted later)
It is four years since the historic Right to Free & Compulsory Education (RTE) Act that ensures free and compulsory education for children in the age group 6-14 years, was enacted by the Government of India. Today’s launch of the Child-friendly Schools and Systems’ (CFSS) package urges stakeholders to expand the focus beyond quantity and accelerate the shift from ‘Right of Access to Education’ to ‘Right to Learn and quality education’.
“The RTE Act has a vision on child-friendly and child-centered education. The Child-friendly Schools and Systems package explains what child-friendly education means in the Indian context and how it can be implemented to ensure inclusive learning. The field experiences presented in the package show that it is possibleto implement CFSS guiding principles in schools of India.
Integration of CFSS guiding principles into state plans for Sarva Siksha Abhiyan, training programmes, development of curricula and monitoring processes will help to improve the quality of education in India, said Louis Georges Arsenault, Representative, UNICEF India
Speaking on this occasion, UNICEF India Celebrity Advocate, Kareena Kapoor said, “I recently visited Rajasthan with UNICEF to see child-friendly schools and to meet some of the girls and boys that are benefitting from these programmes. I was inspired to see spaces which are child-friendly. These are places where children are full of joy when they interact with teachers, where children feel safe and secure and where interactive and creative tools are used to ensure that children are happy and learning.”
The CFSS package describes a typical child-friendly school where the infrastructure, learning environment and learning processes aim towards children’s well-being, holistic development and inclusive learning. The content and methods of teaching-learning centre around children’s best interests and encourage the joyful participation of every child. Community members are closely involved in supporting and monitoring the quality of the school’s learning environment.
“The purpose of the Child-friendly Schools and Systems framework is to serve as a guide for planners and practitioners. The proposed measures which have been developed through extensive consultations over the past three years, will enable teachers to transform classroom environments into interactive learning spaces. For policymakers this can act as a reference guide for quality improvement in schools, to make RTE a reality for all children in India,” said Urmila Sarkar, Chief of Education, UNICEF India. She emphasized that child-friendly education has two major characteristics, both of which relate directly to the right to education and to equity: It is child-centred, and it is child-seeking. Child-centred education acts in the best interests of the child, leading to realization of the child’s full potential.
UNICEF is working with the Government of India to ensure greater access to education, enrolment and improved learning outcomes for all girls and boys by strengthening policies, enhancing capacities of teachers, as well as working with communities to raise awareness about the importance of education.Today’s launch of the ‘Child-friendly Schools and Systems’ package is a key step forward in this direction as the CFSS approach aims toimprove the quality of education leading to gains in access, gender equity, empowerment and improved learning outcomes. It is integral to fulfilling each child’s fundamental right to education.
UNICEF promotes the rights and wellbeing of every child, in everything we do. Together with our partners, we work in 190 countries and territories to translate that commitment into practical action, focusing special effort on reaching the most vulnerable and excluded children, to the benefit of all children, everywhere.
For more information about UNICEF and its work visit:
For further information please contact (UNICEF):
Ms.Caroline den Dulk, Chief of Communications, UNICEF India, Mobile: +91 981 810 6093
Ms Geetanjali Master, Communication Specialist, UNICEF India, Mobile: + 91 981 810 5861
Ms. Sonia Sarkar, Communication Officer, UNICEF India: Mobile: +91 981 017 0289
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NMML Public Lecture_Prof. Anita Rampal_5th September, 2014
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Quake of M6.0 TONGA
4092014M6.0 – TONGA
Magnitude | 6.0 |
Date-Time |
Location | 21.396S 173.258W |
Depth | 11 km |
Distances |
Location Uncertainty | Horizontal: 0.0 km; Vertical 3.9 km |
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