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The Sagar Daily
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
23 February 2016
Leisure Environment Education BusinessArt & Entertainment World #news#hyderabad
Today’s headline
Hope for GST passage, incentives in Budget: Allcargo exec
thumbnailwww­.moneycontrol­.com– Currently, any domestic cargo movement requires more consideration to the taxation structure than the need for logistics systems, Tulsiani says, adding GST would ease processes for the industry.   …
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23 February 2016    |   Edition:224


Welcome to a fresh Tuesday edition of our newsletter. This time we have for you the Frankfurt Fellowship Programme announcement and the second in series of our updated German Book Market Report. I hope the information provided here is of interest and use to you.
Enjoy the read!
Best wishes,
The German Book Office Team
Frankfurt Fellowship Programme 2016

First launched to mark the 50th anniversary of the Frankfurt Book Fair in 1998, the Frankfurt Book Fair Fellowship Programme provides information and networking within the international publishing world. During those last nineteen years, more than 300 participants from 55 countries have gained so far from this experience.
The Frankfurt Fellowship Programme focuses on information exchange, professional dialogue and the creation of networks between young international publishers. We visit publishing houses and booksellers, see market presentations, have match-making events and dinners, and offer our fellows networking opportunities in Frankfurt and two other German cities.
Application Requirements
  • Several years’ experience in publishing
  • Good knowledge of the English language
  • Basic knowledge of the German language recommended
  • Your filled-in application form (from March 2016)
  • Three letters of recommendation from international business partners
  • Letter of recommendation from applicant’s own employer
* Applications for the upcoming programme will be accepted in March/April 2016.
Applications from Asia
Applicants from Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan and Sri Lanka are asked to send their applications to the
German Book Office New Delhi
Contact: Prashasti Rastogi
The German Book Market

The e-book market in Germany
·         e-books’ share in turnover in book sales:  4,3% (2014), 3,9% (2013) ↑ +10.2%
·         75,218 new e-book releases in 2013
·         65% of the publishers (survey 2013) had e-books in their programme, 53% (2012)  +22.6%
·         79% of the booksellers (survey 2013) sold e-books, e-readers or both, 73%    (2012)  +8.2%
·         Share of major genres on E-book Sales-fiction (84%), non-fiction (6%), guidebooks (5%), children’s books and young adult (5%)
·         Disponibility of printed books as e-books: new titles 48% (survey 2013), backlist 36% (2013)
·         4.1% bought at least one e-book for private use (2013), 2.3% (2012)  +1.8%
Translation rights sold to foreign countries
Rights contracts sold
·         Rights sales to foreign countries: 6,443 (2014), 6,466 (2013),  ↓ -0.3%
·         Top 2 languages translating from German (2013): Chinese (15.3%), English (7.0%)
·         Rights sales to English-speaking countries: 450 contracts in total (2014), 444 (2013)↑ + 1.3
1. the USA: 191 contracts (2014), 196 (2013)  ↓ -2.5
2. Great Britain: 127 (2014), 158 (2013) ↓ -19.6
3. India: 71 contracts (2014), 87 contracts  (2013) ↓ -18.3%
·         Rights sales to Europe: 4,221 contracts (2014) 4,182 contracts (2013)  ↑+ 0.1%
Genres in translation
·         Top 3 genres in translation (2013): children’s and young adult literature (36.7%), fiction (18.6%), guidebooks (12.6%)
·         Main field of interest for English language publishers: Science, Medicine, Informatics and Technology (148 licenses sold), Humanities, Music and Art (87 licenses sold), fiction (67 licenses sold)

What’s coming up?

JUMPSTART – 2nd – 3rd August
Frankfurt Book Fair, Guest of Honour- Flanders and Netherlands– – 19th – 23rd October
Publishers’ Training Programme– 2nd – 3rd December
German Book Office New Delhi
A-259 Defence Colony | 2nd Floor | New Delhi 110024 | India
t +91 11 40201100
German Book Office New Delhi is a joint venture between 
the Frankfurt Book Fair and the Federal Foreign Office, Berlin.
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The Asian news Daily
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
23 February 2016
Leisure Business Technology Science Art & Entertainment World #news #business
Today’s headline
Zee News producer quits: Video we shot had no Pakistan Zindabad slogan
thumbnailindianexpress­.com– A PRODUCER with Zee News has resigned from the TV channel after expressing reservations over its “biased coverage” of the JNU protests and the sedition charge against the university’s students unio…
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“The Pox and the People: The Culture and Politics of Interventions against Smallpox in 19th & 20th Century India and China.”
By Professor Prerna Singh


When: Monday, February 29, 2016; 12:00-2:00 PM
Where: Orozco Room (712), 66 West 12th Street, New York, 10011
The India China Institute will be hosting Professor Prerna Singhfor the first Colloquium on the Economies and Societies of India and China (CESCI) of 2016. She will present her paper “The Pox and the People: The Culture and Politics of Interventions against Small pox in 19th & 20th Century India and China.”
Manjari Mahajan, Assistant Professor of International Affairs at The New School will serve as a discussant.
Register Here!
Please RSVP as space is limited.
Abstract: Historically, one of the greatest threats to humanity has come from tiniest of creatures – disease causing microorganisms. Epidemics of infectious diseases have not only caused human morbidity and mortality on a horrific scale but have also profoundly shaped commerce, culture, and politics. Pathogens, both as triggers of long-standing infectious diseases including TB, and ‘new’ diseases, such as Zika, Ebola, H1N1, SARS and also increasingly as potential weapons of bioterrorism continue today to pose a grave global risk. One of the reasons why infectious diseases generate global panic is that they do -not respect social and political boundaries. Yet historically certain societies and polities have been far more effective at countering the equivalently severe challenges posed by particular diseases. Why? I seek to answer this question through an examination of the differential effectiveness of the control of smallpox through a subnational comparison of Madras presidency and Canton in the nineteenth century and a national comparison of India and China in the twentieth centuries. Smallpox is one of the oldest and deadliest diseases to afflict mankind; it is also the only disease to have been successfully eradicated. India and China, were known in the colonial imagination as “the cradles of smallpox”. Madras and Canton shared similar histories of recurring severe epidemics. In part because of the length and intensity of their experience with the disease, both regions also had rich repertoires of ritual practices, etiologies, cultural norms and techniques of treatment. In both provinces the British East India Company introduced the recently “discovered” Jennerian vaccine in the early 1800s. Yet why did vaccination spread much more rapidly in Canton than in Madras? In terms of a national level comparison, in the 1950s, China and India were characterized by similar rates of smallpox incidence and similarly complex disease environments. Both countries were also emerging from a tumultuous period of conflict and faced equally severe challenges of state consolidation and state building, including widespread poverty, low levels of industrialization and infrastructure including health infrastructure. Yet from these roughly equivalent starting points, China had managed to effectively eradicate smallpox by the early 1950s while India was one of the last countries in the world to eradicate smallpox in 1975. Why was this the case? This talk draws on a range of sources to make a case for the importance of attention to local cultural practices around disease and healing, and the role of affective mobilization for the success of public health outcomes.Prerna Singh is Mahatma Gandhi Assistant Professor of Political Science and International Studies and faculty fellow at the Watson Institute, and co-convenor of the Brown-Harvard-MIT Joint Seminar in South Asian Politics. She completed her PhD and MA from the Department of Politics at Princeton University, the tripos in social and political studies from Cambridge University, UK, and a BA (Honors) in economics from Delhi University. Prior to joining Brown, she taught in the Department of Government at Harvard University. She has also been a junior fellow at the Harvard Academy for International and Area Studies and held a pre-doctoral research fellowship at the Center for Advanced Study for India (CASI) at the University of Pennsylvania. Her book, How Solidarity Works for Welfare: Subnationalism and Social Development in India, is forthcoming with Cambridge University Press. Her articles have been published in several journals, including Comparative Political Studies,Comparative Politics, World Development, World Politics, and Studies in Comparative International Development. Singh is also the co-editor of the Handbook of Indian Politics (Routledge 2013).

Wow, wow, wow.
Wow, Naresh — more than 800,000 people have chipped in to support this campaign. I think that’s just incredible. I know it doesn’t fit with the media narrative, but we’re building quite a movement here, and we’ve already brought home our first two wins.
With just eight days left until Super Tuesday, I need this whole team to pull together and fight as hard as you can, just as we did in Nevada. If you’re with me, chip in $1 to the Super Tuesday Fund right now, and let’s start March with our biggest wins yet:
Naresh, donate $1
Thank you,

Pro Kabaddi League Team – Dabang Delhi

Hindustan Powerprojects

cordially invites you

for a

Meet-up session

with the players of

Pro Kabaddi League Team – Dabang Delhi

The event would also witness the player’s interactive session with 10 under-privileged children from Anuppur, Madhya Pradesh and Mr. Ravi Arya, President – Thermal, Hindustan Powerprojects

Date: Wednesday, 24th February, 2016 
Time: 4:30 pm onwards

Venue: Thyagraj Stadium, INA Colony, New Delhi

Megha Nath
+91 – 9910154247


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