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Since the formal banking sector in India has failed to meet financial needs of small businesses in the Country, we call upon Union Finance Minister Mr. Arun Jaitley to bring a law in next session of Parliament for making Micro Units Development & Refinance Agency (MUDRA) as an independent regulator, outside the ambit of RBI, to develop and regulate finance sector under MUDRA for catering to financial requirements of small businesses for which the MUDRA has been created by the Government.  To reach the last mile borrower, MUDRA shops should be open in markets where a common man can walk in easily and obtain small loans-added CAIT.
CAIT National President Mr. B. C.Bhartia & Secretary General Mr. Praveen Khandelwal regretted that RBI has never taken care of financial inclusion of small businesses with the result that only 4% of non corporate sector could able to receive finances from core banking sector. This factor and potential of small businesses prompted Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi to launch MUDRA on 8th April,2015 with a clear mandate for “funding the unfunded”.  Thousands of existing lending eco-system consisting of Non Banking Finance Companies, Micro Finance Institutions, Trust and Societies under the ambit of Mudra for disbursement of MUDRA loans in order to achieve the goal of Mudra to reach out to last borrower.
 “If big businesses can have SEBI as their regulator and developer than Small Businesses deserves its own Regulator & Developer and even more in terms of MUDRA and therefore an enabling legislation may be brought in budget session of the Parliament making MUDRA as an independent Regulator & Developer”-added CAIT.
Both Mr. Bhartia & Mr. Khandelwal said that MUDRA is a powerful and innovative idea to connect World’s largest dis aggregated business ecosystem consisting of 5.77 crore non-corporate, self organised small businesses which is in real terms an employment driver in the tens of millions where other sectors are not even close to it. The sector is not supported by Credit from formal sources and is suffer from lack of access and high cost and is operating outside the formal system. There is a need to reel them in which in turn will culminate into increase in GDP & tax collection.

The Sagar media brief Daily
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
31 January 2016
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3 Social Media Marketing Options to Consider in 2016
thumbnailwww­.socialmediatoday­.com– Another year’s gone and here we are standing at the beginning of 365-days of opportunity that lie ahead of us. While 2015 was an exciting year for social media marketers, 2016 promises a host of ch…
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The Asian news Daily
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Naresh Kumar Sagar
01 February 2016
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Today: ASIA News, Jan 29, 2016
thumbnailwww­.interalex­.net – Jan 29, 2016 ASIA News, Jan 29, 2016 Latest Singapore News & Headlines, Top Stories Today … Singapore News – Get latest breaking news & top stories today in Singapore includes courts & crime, ……
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The Sagar Daily
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
01 February 2016
Leisure Science Technology Politics Business World#india #cauliflower
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Cops in Mumbai continue to harass couples on the streets for no reason
thumbnailwww­.mid-day­.com – Six months after the Mumbai Police were explicitly instructed in a circular to stop harassing couples in public places, this mid-day sting operation shows nothing has changed on the ground Just six…
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The Indian Coast Guard is celebrating its 39th Anniversary on 01 Feb 16. With a modest beginning of just 7 ships in 1978 the service has grown into a formidable force with 119 ships, 62 aircraft and 42 stations. By the turn of present decade, the Coast Guard is likely to have an inventory of 150 ships and 100 aircraft.
As the fourth largest Coast Guard in the world the Indian Coast Guard has played a significant role in securing the Indian coasts and enforcing the regulations within the Maritime Zones of India. True to its motto “Vayam Rakshamah” meaning We Protect, the service has to its credit of saving 6929 lives and apprehending 13000 miscreants since inception. Keeping a hawk’s vigil on the Indian Coast, the service has provided a robust and impregnable coastal security mechanism which has led to seizure of contraband worth 600 crores since last one year.
In consonance with the Government policy of empowering women the ICG has employed Lady Officers in combat with the successful all women Dornier flight. Soon they will also be inducted in afloat platform that is ACV (Air Cushion Vehicle), for which they are presently undergoing training.
The President, Vice President, Prime Minister and Defence Minister in their message congratulated the Indian Coast Guard on completion of 39 glorious years of service to nation and appreciated the pivotal role played by the service in ensuring the nation interests in the Maritime Zones.

The traditional CG Reception ceremony held on the eve of Coast Guard Day was graced by the Hon’ble Raksha Mantri Shri Manohar Parrikar. Senior officials from the Ministry of Defence and other armed forces also graced the occasion.

Sagar Media Inc
Published by
Naresh Kumar Sagar
01 February 2016
Sports Leisure Education
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thumbnailenkaysagar­.wordpress­.com– Preparations are underway on a massive scale at the National School of Drama, as the institute is gearing up to host the 18thBharat Rang Mahotsav. The best of plays from around the world will be a …
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