Planning new national youth policy aimed at empowerment: Minister
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The Government will introduce a new National Youth Policy with an aim of “empowering the youth” and developing them into a productive workforce.
Speaking at the Youth Session of the 12 Pravasi Bharatiya Divas in New Delhi, Youth Affairs and Sports Minister Jitendra Singh today said that the new policy seeks to attain the above goals by providing the right education and skills and promoting entrepreneurship.
“The government is in the process of introducing a new National Youth Policy with the vision of empowering the youth of the country to achieve their full potential,” Singh said.
The new policy also focuses on developing a strong and healthy generation through effective healthcare and promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sports, he added.
The policy aims at effectively engaging with the youth and facilitating their participation in governance and envisages inclusive programmes to take care of the disadvantaged sections of youth and youth with special needs.
Talking about the two youth volunteer networks created by his ministry Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) and National Service Scheme (NSS), he said that the two schemes can play a vital role in this regard.
NYKS currently has about 8 million non-student youth volunteers enrolled through approximately 2.80 lakh youth clubs across rural India.
Similarly, NSS has about 3.25 million student volunteers in senior secondary schools and colleges across the country.
“I encourage the Overseas Indian community to connect with these networks and work with them,” he said.
“The policy also seeks to promote social entrepreneurship as an attractive employment proposition and to create an enabling policy regime for setting up of venture funds and provide angel investment which social entrepreneurs would require. This would facilitate setting up of social ventures in India by Overseas Indians,” he said.
Singh added that his ministry would work to create an institutional framework under which overseas Indians will get an opportunity to work with NYKS, NSS and other such organisations.Govt reaches out to diaspora youth at Pravasi Bhartiya DivasMaking a strong pitch for greater connectivity with the diaspora youth, Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi today said partnerships between young Indians in the country and those residing overseas in industry and social sectors would create jobs and bring prosperity.
He was speaking after inuagarating the 12th edition of the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD), India’s flagship annual event to connect with its diaspora spread across the globe, which kicked off today with special focus on “engagement with the youth”.
Referring to the opportunities for growth and development that India’s growing economy presents today, he said “the interactions should foster greater connectivity between Indian and diaspora youth, which should eventually result in economic cooperation leading to the creation of wealth, livelihoods and prosperity.”
Ravi said that in this age of globalisation, there are greater trade and business links between nations.
“Indian youth and their diaspora counterparts should come together in developing strong networks, which would lead to partnerships in trade, industry, entrepreneurship and social work,” he said.
“This will lead to the creation of wealth and employment, which will benefit the masses at large. Our goal should be to build a strong global connect of youth for this purpose,” he said.
This year’s theme is “Engaging Diaspora: Connecting Across Generations” and this is the first time that the Youth PBD is being held on the first day of event.
“It is estimated that more than 50 per cent of our working population is between the age group of 18-35 years and are contributing immensely to the growth and development of our great country India,” Ravi said.
The PBD will be formly inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh tommorrow while Malaysia’s Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Y B Datuk Seri Palanivel will be the chief guest.
More than a thousand delegates are participating in the three-day event which is expected to open up horizons of a strong network of young overseas Indians to contribute to India’s engagement with youth in all sectors.
Meanwhile, in his address, Youth Affairs and Sports minister Jitendra Singh while talking about the Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) and National Service Scheme (NSS) schemes run by the government urged overseas Indians to connect with the volunteers of these programmes and said that the government also will promote social entrepreneurship.
“The government is in the process of introducing a new National Youth Policy with the vision of empowering the youth of the country to achieve their full potential,” Singh said.
The new policy also focuses on developing a strong and healthy generation through effective healthcare and promotion of a healthy lifestyle and sports, he added.
The policy aims at effectively engaging with the youth and facilitating their participation in governance and envisages inclusive programmes to take care of the disadvantaged sections of youth and youth with special needs.
Talking about the two youth volunteer networks created by his ministry Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) and National Service Scheme (NSS), he said that the two schemes can play a vital role in this regard.
NYKS currently has about 8 million non-student youth volunteers enrolled through approximately 2.80 lakh youth clubs across rural India.
Similarly, NSS has about 3.25 million student volunteers in senior secondary schools and colleges across the country.
“I encourage the Overseas Indian community to connect with these networks and work with them,” he said.
“The policy also seeks to promote social entrepreneurship as an attractive employment proposition and to create an enabling policy regime for setting up of venture funds and provide angel investment which social entrepreneurs would require. This would facilitate setting up of social ventures in India by Overseas Indians,” he said.
Singh added that his ministry would work to create an institutional framework under which overseas Indians will get an opportunity to work with NYKS, NSS and other such organisations.Govt reaches out to diaspora youth at Pravasi Bhartiya DivasMaking a strong pitch for greater connectivity with the diaspora youth, Overseas Indian Affairs Minister Vayalar Ravi today said partnerships between young Indians in the country and those residing overseas in industry and social sectors would create jobs and bring prosperity.
He was speaking after inuagarating the 12th edition of the Pravasi Bhartiya Divas (PBD), India’s flagship annual event to connect with its diaspora spread across the globe, which kicked off today with special focus on “engagement with the youth”.
Referring to the opportunities for growth and development that India’s growing economy presents today, he said “the interactions should foster greater connectivity between Indian and diaspora youth, which should eventually result in economic cooperation leading to the creation of wealth, livelihoods and prosperity.”
Ravi said that in this age of globalisation, there are greater trade and business links between nations.
“Indian youth and their diaspora counterparts should come together in developing strong networks, which would lead to partnerships in trade, industry, entrepreneurship and social work,” he said.
“This will lead to the creation of wealth and employment, which will benefit the masses at large. Our goal should be to build a strong global connect of youth for this purpose,” he said.
This year’s theme is “Engaging Diaspora: Connecting Across Generations” and this is the first time that the Youth PBD is being held on the first day of event.
“It is estimated that more than 50 per cent of our working population is between the age group of 18-35 years and are contributing immensely to the growth and development of our great country India,” Ravi said.
The PBD will be formly inaugurated by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh tommorrow while Malaysia’s Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Y B Datuk Seri Palanivel will be the chief guest.
More than a thousand delegates are participating in the three-day event which is expected to open up horizons of a strong network of young overseas Indians to contribute to India’s engagement with youth in all sectors.
Meanwhile, in his address, Youth Affairs and Sports minister Jitendra Singh while talking about the Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) and National Service Scheme (NSS) schemes run by the government urged overseas Indians to connect with the volunteers of these programmes and said that the government also will promote social entrepreneurship.
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Categories : Business, CSR, election
AAP Public announcement 10 Jan 2014
10012014दिल्ली की आम आदमी पार्टी की सरकार प्रत्येक शनिवार को सचिवालय के बाहर सड़क पर आम जनता की शिकायतें सुना करेगी। आज एक प्रेस कांफ्रेंस में मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने कहा कि वे प्रत्येक शनिवार को सचिवालय के बाहर आम जनता से मिलेंगे। उनके साथ सभी छह मंत्री भी मौजूद होंगे।
मुख्यमंत्री ने बताया कि आम जनता से मिलने का समय सुबह साढ़े नौ बजे से 11 बजे तक होगा। इस दौरान आम जनता की शिकायतें सुनी जाएंगी और समाधान के लिए तुरत कार्रवाई भी की जाएगी। मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि बाकी दिन भी सुबह साढ़े नौ बजे से 11 बजे तक उनकी मंत्रिमंडल के एक मंत्री सचिवालय के बाहर बैठेंगे। ये मंत्री न केवल अपने विभाग की बल्कि अन्य विभाग की भी शिकायतें सुनेंगे। बाद में प्राप्त शिकायतों को संबंधित विभाग के पास भेजेंगे। मुख्यमंत्री ने बताया कि आम जनता की शिकायतों के समाधान के लिए कई स्तर पर तब्दीलियां की जा रही हैं। जरूरत के हिसाब से नीतियों में भी बदलाव किया जाएगा। इसके अलावा आम लोगों से प्राप्त सुझावों पर भी गौर किया जाएगा। मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि इस मौके पर संबंधित विभाग के अधिकारी भी मौजूद रहेंगे। मुख्यमंत्री ने यह भी बताया कि शिकायत निवारण के बाद भी सरकार की जिम्मेदारी पूरी नहीं होगी। सरकार शिकायत निवारण के बाद संबंधित व्यक्ति से एसएमएस के जरिए पूछेगी कि वे समाधान से संतुष्ट हैं या नहीं। यदि जवाव नहीं मिलता है तो उनसे मिलकर फिर से उनकी शिकायत जानने की कोशिश करेगी। मुख्यमंत्री ने 11 जनवरी से जन शिकायत प्रणाली शुरू करने की जानकारी दी।
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Categories : culture, Media, Politics
AAP Public awareness campaign to fight corruption
By sagarmedia on January 10, 2014 | Edit
दिल्ली की आम जनता भी आम आदमी पार्टी की दिल्ली सरकार के साथ भ्रष्टाचार विरोधी मुहिम में शामिल हो गई है। भ्रष्टाचार संबंधी शिकायते दर्ज करने के लिए बनी हेल्पलाइन पर आज पहले ही दिन हेल्पलाइन नंबर पर सात घंटे में 3900 कॉल आई। जिनमें से 53 शिकायतें काफी गंभीर किस्म की हैं।
आज एक प्रेस कांफ्रेस में मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने कहा कि हेल्पलाइन नंबर को लेकर आम जनता में काफी उत्साह है। उन्होंने कहा कि सात घंटे में 3900 कॉल आई, जिनमें से 53 शिकायतें काफी गंभीर किस्म की हैं । उन्होंने कहा कि कुछ स्टिंग की रिकार्डिंग काफी अच्छी हुई है जिनपर भर्ष्टाचार निरोधक विभाग ने कार्रवाई भी शुरू कर दी है। उन्होंने कहा कि कल तक 4 डिजिट का हेल्पलाइन नंबर जारी किया जाएगा। इससे आम जनता को और आसानी हो जाएगी।
मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने कहा कि हेल्पलाइन नंबर आम जनता के लिए भ्रष्टाचार से लड़ने का एक हथियार है। अगर आम जनता इक्ट्ठी हो गई तो भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों की खैर नहीं। उन्होंने भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों को फिर से चेतावनी दी कि वे या तो सुधर जाएं या जेल जाने को तैयार रहें। मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि महज कुछ भ्रष्ट लोगों की वजह से ईमानदार अधिकारी ठीक से काम नही कर पा रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि जिस तरह गंदी मछली पूरे तालाब को गंदा कर देती है उसी तरह कुछ गंदे लोग पूरे महकमा को गंदा कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि दोषियों को बख्शा नहीं जाएगा।
आज एक प्रेस कांफ्रेस में मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने कहा कि हेल्पलाइन नंबर को लेकर आम जनता में काफी उत्साह है। उन्होंने कहा कि सात घंटे में 3900 कॉल आई, जिनमें से 53 शिकायतें काफी गंभीर किस्म की हैं । उन्होंने कहा कि कुछ स्टिंग की रिकार्डिंग काफी अच्छी हुई है जिनपर भर्ष्टाचार निरोधक विभाग ने कार्रवाई भी शुरू कर दी है। उन्होंने कहा कि कल तक 4 डिजिट का हेल्पलाइन नंबर जारी किया जाएगा। इससे आम जनता को और आसानी हो जाएगी।
मुख्यमंत्री अरविंद केजरीवाल ने कहा कि हेल्पलाइन नंबर आम जनता के लिए भ्रष्टाचार से लड़ने का एक हथियार है। अगर आम जनता इक्ट्ठी हो गई तो भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों की खैर नहीं। उन्होंने भ्रष्ट अधिकारियों को फिर से चेतावनी दी कि वे या तो सुधर जाएं या जेल जाने को तैयार रहें। मुख्यमंत्री ने कहा कि महज कुछ भ्रष्ट लोगों की वजह से ईमानदार अधिकारी ठीक से काम नही कर पा रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि जिस तरह गंदी मछली पूरे तालाब को गंदा कर देती है उसी तरह कुछ गंदे लोग पूरे महकमा को गंदा कर रहे हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि दोषियों को बख्शा नहीं जाएगा।
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Entry Submission Deadline: 14 Jan, 2014
Entry Submission Deadline: 14 Jan, 2014
India Sports Awards 2013
6.30 pm, 13 Feb, 2014
FICCI, Federation House, New Delhi
Dear Sir/ Madam,
FICCI is successfully carrying forward its agenda of promoting sports and sports business development in India. Every year we organize India Sports Awards. Like last year, this year also, we are organizing India Sports Awards 2013 alongside “GOAL 2014”, on 13 Feb, 2014.
This is an industry chamber led national platform for celebrating sporting achievement of the highest standards within India with the support of Ministry of Sports and Youth Affairs and Sports Authority of India. Winning Matters Consulting Private Limited will be auditing the entries received which will be judged by a panel of extremely reputed and learned individuals of the sports fraternity.
These awards are an attempt by FICCI to acknowledge the contribution of sports in India and to felicitate the Sports Achievers, sports supporters and those who have been doing excellent work in Sports Promotion which is ultimately bringing pride to the nation.
FICCI is pleased to invite nominations from leading organization like yours under following categories for the achievement in sports promotion from Nov 2012- Dec 2013. You may click on the relevant link to send the entry in the category applicable to your organization:
- Best State Promoting Sports
- Best National Sports Federation
- Best Company Promoting Sports (Public Sector)
- Best Company promoting sports (Private Sector)
- Best Sports Event Management Company
- Best Professional Services Company
- Best NGO Promoting Sports
Entry Submission Deadline: 14 Jan, 2014
Needless to say, winning a FICCI Awards will set you apart from your peers and competitors and inspire your fellow peers and professionals in the industry.
We look forward to receive your entry and seeing you at the India Sports Awards 2013 on 13 Feb, 2014 and Gala Dinner. Kindly block your diary for the same.
Rajpal Singh
Director and Head
Youth Affairs & Sports, Skills Devolopment (International) & Postal Reforms
Industry’s Voice for Policy Change
Bridging the knowledge gaps in Sports
Federation House, Tansen Marg, New Delhi- 110001
T: 011-23487400, 23765083
F: 011-23320714, 23721504
M: +91- 9811046537
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India Signs Loan Agreements With World Bank for US $ 250 Million
India Signs Loan Agreements With World Bank for US $ 250 Million for Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery ProjectThe Loan Agreements for World Bank (IDA) assistance of US$ 250 million for Uttarakhand Disaster Recovery Project were signed between the Government of India and the World Bank here today.
The Loan Agreement was signed by Shri Nilaya Mitash,Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance on behalf of the Government of India and Mr Onno Ruhl, Country Director (India) of World Bank on behalf of the World Bank. The Project Agreement was also signed by Shri Rakesh Sharma, Additional Chief Secretary, Uttarakhand on behalf of the Government of Uttarakhand.
The objective of the project is to restore housing, rural connectivity and build resilience of communities in Uttarakhand and increase the technical capacity of the State entities to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency.
The primary beneficiaries of the project would be the communities in the State that would benefit from the restoration of housing, rural connectivity, and risk mitigation infrastructures. By strengthening disaster risk management systems and institutions, the Project has the potential to benefit the entire State of Uttarakhand.
The project will have six components which are (i) Resilient Infrastructure Reconstruction, (ii) Rural Road Connectivity, (iii) Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management, (iv) Financing Disaster Response Expenses, (v) Project Implementation Support, and (vi) Contingency Emergency Response.
The Project constitutes a large multi-sector engagement on risk and vulnerability reduction, with assistance for reconstructing damaged infrastructure, restoring connectivity and improving technical support for enhancing disaster risk management systems. The Project Design has incorporated lessons learned from previous national and global post-disaster recovery projects to ensure that the recovery is targeted, effective and is built back “smarter” in order to build resilience of local communities to risks in the future.
It is a loan for an implementation period of four (4) years. Government of Uttarakhand is the implementing agency.
The Loan Agreement was signed by Shri Nilaya Mitash,Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance on behalf of the Government of India and Mr Onno Ruhl, Country Director (India) of World Bank on behalf of the World Bank. The Project Agreement was also signed by Shri Rakesh Sharma, Additional Chief Secretary, Uttarakhand on behalf of the Government of Uttarakhand.
The objective of the project is to restore housing, rural connectivity and build resilience of communities in Uttarakhand and increase the technical capacity of the State entities to respond promptly and effectively to an eligible crisis or emergency.
The primary beneficiaries of the project would be the communities in the State that would benefit from the restoration of housing, rural connectivity, and risk mitigation infrastructures. By strengthening disaster risk management systems and institutions, the Project has the potential to benefit the entire State of Uttarakhand.
The project will have six components which are (i) Resilient Infrastructure Reconstruction, (ii) Rural Road Connectivity, (iii) Technical Assistance and Capacity Building for Disaster Risk Management, (iv) Financing Disaster Response Expenses, (v) Project Implementation Support, and (vi) Contingency Emergency Response.
The Project constitutes a large multi-sector engagement on risk and vulnerability reduction, with assistance for reconstructing damaged infrastructure, restoring connectivity and improving technical support for enhancing disaster risk management systems. The Project Design has incorporated lessons learned from previous national and global post-disaster recovery projects to ensure that the recovery is targeted, effective and is built back “smarter” in order to build resilience of local communities to risks in the future.
It is a loan for an implementation period of four (4) years. Government of Uttarakhand is the implementing agency.
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Categories : Business, Trade, world News
Financial support to BSNLand MTNL
Financial support to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited on surrender of Broadband Wireless Access spectrum with refund of upfront chargesThe Union Cabinet today gave its approval for financial support to Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) and Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited (MTNL) on surrender of Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) spectrum by them. Upfront charges paid for such spectrum would be refunded.
The objective of this decision is to provide financial support to the extent of one-time upfront charges paid for BWA spectrum for six service areas of BSNL and both service areas of MTNL on surrender of the spectrum. The six Licensed Service Areas of BSNL are Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kolkata.
The amount to be refunded to BSNL is Rs. 6724.51 crore and Rs.4533.97 crore for MTNL. The refund will be made to ensure support for the revival and revitalisation of BSNL and MTNL in the competitive telecom sector. It shall also help these PSUs to arrange finances to meet basic financial commitments such as operation and maintenance of their telecom network.
The objective of this decision is to provide financial support to the extent of one-time upfront charges paid for BWA spectrum for six service areas of BSNL and both service areas of MTNL on surrender of the spectrum. The six Licensed Service Areas of BSNL are Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Kolkata.
The amount to be refunded to BSNL is Rs. 6724.51 crore and Rs.4533.97 crore for MTNL. The refund will be made to ensure support for the revival and revitalisation of BSNL and MTNL in the competitive telecom sector. It shall also help these PSUs to arrange finances to meet basic financial commitments such as operation and maintenance of their telecom network.
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Categories : Business
Policy Guidelines for Television Rating Agencies in India
Union Cabinet today approved the proposal of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting for bringing out a comprehensive regulatory framework in the form of guidelines for Television Rating Agencies in India. These guidelines cover detailed procedures for registration of rating agencies, eligibility norms, terms and conditions of registration, cross-holdings, methodology for audience measurement, a complaint redressal mechanism, sale and use of ratings, audit, disclosure, reporting requirements and action on non-compliance of guidelines etc. The proposal is based on recommendations made by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) on “Guidelines for Television Rating Agencies” dated 11th September, 2013.
Based on the recommendations of TRAI, comprehensive policy guidelines for television rating agencies have been formulated.
Salient features of these guidelines are as follows:
• All rating agencies including the existing rating agencies shall obtain registration from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. • Detailed registration procedure, eligibility norms, terms and conditions, cross-holding norms, period of registration, security conditions and other obligations have been delineated. • No single company / legal entity either directly or through its associates or interconnect undertakings shall have substantial equity holding that is, 10 percent or more of paid up equity in both rating agencies and broadcasters/advertisers/advertising agencies. • Ratings ought to be technology neutral and shall capture data across multiple viewing platforms viz. cable TV, Direct-to- Home (DTH), Terrestrial TV etc. • Panel homes for audience measurement shall be drawn from the pool of households selected through an establishment survey. A minimum panel size of 20,000 to be implemented within six months of the guidelines coming into force. Thereafter the panel size shall be increased by 10,000 every year until it reaches the figure of 50,000. • Secrecy and privacy of the panel homes must be maintained. 25 percent of panel homes shall be rotated every year. • The rating agency shall submit the detailed methodology to the Government and also publish it on its website. • The rating agency shall set up an effective complaint redressal system with a toll free number. • The rating agency shall set up an internal audit mechanism to get its entire methodology/processes audited internally on quarterly basis and through an independent auditor annually. All audit reports to be put on the website of the rating agency. Government and TRAI reserve the right to audit the systems /procedures/mechanisms of the rating agency. • Non-compliance of guidelines on cross-holding, methodology, secrecy, privacy, audit, public disclosure and reporting requirements shall lead to forfeiture of two bank guarantees worth Rs. one crore furnished by the company in the first instance, and, in the second instance shall lead to cancellation of registration. For violation of other provisions of the guidelines, the action shall be forfeiture of bank guarantee of Rs. 25 lakh for the first instance of non-compliance, forfeiture of bank guarantee of Rs.75 lakh for the second instance of non compliance and for the third instance, cancellation of registration. • 30 days time would be given to the existing rating agency to comply with the guidelines. • The guidelines would come into effect immediately from the date of notification. The Guidelines for Television Rating Agencies in India are designed to address aberrations in the existing television rating system. These guidelines are aimed at making television ratings transparent, credible and accountable. The agencies operating in this field have to comply with directions relating to public disclosure, third party audit of their mechanisms and transparency in the methodologies adopted. This would help make rating agencies accountable to stakeholders such as the Government, broadcasters, advertisers, advertising agencies and above all the people.
Television Rating Points (TRPs) have been a much debated issue in India since the present system of TRPs is riddled with several maladies such as small sample size which is not representative, lack of transparency, lack of reliability and credibility of data etc. Shortcomings in the present rating system have been highlighted by key stakeholders that include individuals, consumer groups, government, broadcasters, advertisers, and advertising agencies etc. Members of Standing Committee on Information Technology had also expressed concern over the shortcomings.
In 2008, the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (MIB) had sought recommendations of TRAI on various issues relating to TRPs and policy guidelines to be adopted for rating agencies. TRAI, in its recommendations in August 2008, had amongst other things recommended the approach of self-regulation through the establishment of an industry-led body, that is the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC).
The Ministry had constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. Amit Mitra, the then Secretary General FICCI, in 2010 to review the existing TRP system In India. The committee also recommended that self-regulation of TRPs by the industry was the best way forward.
Since, the BARC could not operationalise the TRP generating mechanism, the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting sought recommendations of TRAI in September 2013 on comprehensive guidelines/accreditation mechanism for television rating agencies in India to ensure fair competition, better standards and quality of services by television rating agencies. TRAI recommendations on Guideline for Television Rating Agencies were received in September 2013. While supporting self-regulation of television ratings through an industry-led body like BARC, TRAI recommended that television rating agencies shall be regulated through a framework in the form of guidelines to be notified by MIB. It also recommended that all rating agencies, including the existing rating agency, shall require registration with MIB in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed under the guidelines.
Based on the recommendations of TRAI, comprehensive policy guidelines for television rating agencies have been formulated.
Salient features of these guidelines are as follows:
• All rating agencies including the existing rating agencies shall obtain registration from the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting. • Detailed registration procedure, eligibility norms, terms and conditions, cross-holding norms, period of registration, security conditions and other obligations have been delineated. • No single company / legal entity either directly or through its associates or interconnect undertakings shall have substantial equity holding that is, 10 percent or more of paid up equity in both rating agencies and broadcasters/advertisers/advertising agencies. • Ratings ought to be technology neutral and shall capture data across multiple viewing platforms viz. cable TV, Direct-to- Home (DTH), Terrestrial TV etc. • Panel homes for audience measurement shall be drawn from the pool of households selected through an establishment survey. A minimum panel size of 20,000 to be implemented within six months of the guidelines coming into force. Thereafter the panel size shall be increased by 10,000 every year until it reaches the figure of 50,000. • Secrecy and privacy of the panel homes must be maintained. 25 percent of panel homes shall be rotated every year. • The rating agency shall submit the detailed methodology to the Government and also publish it on its website. • The rating agency shall set up an effective complaint redressal system with a toll free number. • The rating agency shall set up an internal audit mechanism to get its entire methodology/processes audited internally on quarterly basis and through an independent auditor annually. All audit reports to be put on the website of the rating agency. Government and TRAI reserve the right to audit the systems /procedures/mechanisms of the rating agency. • Non-compliance of guidelines on cross-holding, methodology, secrecy, privacy, audit, public disclosure and reporting requirements shall lead to forfeiture of two bank guarantees worth Rs. one crore furnished by the company in the first instance, and, in the second instance shall lead to cancellation of registration. For violation of other provisions of the guidelines, the action shall be forfeiture of bank guarantee of Rs. 25 lakh for the first instance of non-compliance, forfeiture of bank guarantee of Rs.75 lakh for the second instance of non compliance and for the third instance, cancellation of registration. • 30 days time would be given to the existing rating agency to comply with the guidelines. • The guidelines would come into effect immediately from the date of notification. The Guidelines for Television Rating Agencies in India are designed to address aberrations in the existing television rating system. These guidelines are aimed at making television ratings transparent, credible and accountable. The agencies operating in this field have to comply with directions relating to public disclosure, third party audit of their mechanisms and transparency in the methodologies adopted. This would help make rating agencies accountable to stakeholders such as the Government, broadcasters, advertisers, advertising agencies and above all the people.
Television Rating Points (TRPs) have been a much debated issue in India since the present system of TRPs is riddled with several maladies such as small sample size which is not representative, lack of transparency, lack of reliability and credibility of data etc. Shortcomings in the present rating system have been highlighted by key stakeholders that include individuals, consumer groups, government, broadcasters, advertisers, and advertising agencies etc. Members of Standing Committee on Information Technology had also expressed concern over the shortcomings.
In 2008, the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting (MIB) had sought recommendations of TRAI on various issues relating to TRPs and policy guidelines to be adopted for rating agencies. TRAI, in its recommendations in August 2008, had amongst other things recommended the approach of self-regulation through the establishment of an industry-led body, that is the Broadcast Audience Research Council (BARC).
The Ministry had constituted a Committee under the Chairmanship of Dr. Amit Mitra, the then Secretary General FICCI, in 2010 to review the existing TRP system In India. The committee also recommended that self-regulation of TRPs by the industry was the best way forward.
Since, the BARC could not operationalise the TRP generating mechanism, the Ministry of Information & Broadcasting sought recommendations of TRAI in September 2013 on comprehensive guidelines/accreditation mechanism for television rating agencies in India to ensure fair competition, better standards and quality of services by television rating agencies. TRAI recommendations on Guideline for Television Rating Agencies were received in September 2013. While supporting self-regulation of television ratings through an industry-led body like BARC, TRAI recommended that television rating agencies shall be regulated through a framework in the form of guidelines to be notified by MIB. It also recommended that all rating agencies, including the existing rating agency, shall require registration with MIB in accordance with the terms and conditions prescribed under the guidelines.
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Categories : Media
40 Narmada Adivasi Oustees in Jail since 4 days
Demand Unconditional Release : Announce intense struggle
Hundreds storm offices of Collector and SP, Alirajpur
Condemn Illegal Eviction from 2.5 year old Jobat Zameen Hak Satyagraha
The protestors were stopped at the gates of the Collectorate by a large contingent of armed police brought in from Alirajpur, Badwani, Dhar and Thandla, while the women, men, elderly and youth, tried to barge inside for a dialogue with the Collector. The women, who had come along with little children demanded that their family members must be immediately released otherwise, they would sit on an indefinite protest at the Collectorate.
The Collector, came down thrice and heard the issues raised by the oustees from behind the gates, but could not given concrete and correct answers. After many hours of intense action and heated discussions with the Collector, SP, Addl SP and the Rehabilitation Officer, NVDA, it was assured that the process of offering land to the Jobat-dam oustees would begin within 3 days and process of showing land to the SSP oustees would begin within 10 days.
Shouting down the false information provided to the Collector by the NVDA officers that ‘the oustees don’t want land, that all have been paid compensation, that many are non-affected and that oustees are being provoked, the oustees stated that illegal submergence in the hilly villages of Sardar Sarovar began since 1994 and submergence in Jobat began since 2003. However, till date, cultivable, irrigable, suitable and un-encroached land has not been provided to the affected families. The only land offered to the SSP-affected adivasis was bad, uncultivable, encroached land, which is in utter violation of law and orders of the Supreme Court.
It may be noted that the Collector of Alirajpur, deployed a large contingent of police force on 5th January, 2014 and illegally took into custody 40 Satyagrahis, including women, 75 year old and 2 children, who were camping at the Government Agricultural Farm, Jobat. It is well-known that hundreds of oustees have been on an indefinite Satyagraha, since the past 2.5 years and have been cultivating the land, not just as a protest, but also to feed their families, who have already faced illegal submergence since many years.
The Jobat Satyagraha is one of the longest non-violent, occupation struggles in recent history and has been resorted to by the oustees after umpteen attempts of petitioning, court cases and mass action by the adivasis. The oustees have been cultivating the land and have also reaped three harvests on this land. Infact recently the Collector also permitted the oustees to have a temporary power connection for irrigating the crop. However, since two weeks notices were being issued to the oustees to vacate the land, else they would be forcibly evicted. Our replies to these notices and appeal for a concrete dialogue were not responded to by the authorities and a brutal eviction drive ensued. It may be noted that the arrests are completely motivated and arbitrary, since the fact that the oustees have not yet been rehabilitated and the fact that all the officials, including the police have complete knowledge of the occupation since 2.5 years is well-known.
Infact, Dr. Afroz Ahmed, Director, Rehabilitation, Narmada Control Authority, indore and Kantilal Bhuria, Former Tribal Affairs Minister, Govt. of India also visited the Satyagraha and engaged in dialogue with the oustees. Dr. Afroz Ahmed also assured to raise the matter with the Rehabilitation Sub-Group, Delhi, after which a direction was issued by the Sub Group in its meeting on 12th September, 2013 to the Govt. of M.P. to offer Government farm lands in rehabilitation.
The arrests have been made seemingly under Section 151 Cr.P.C. i.e. ‘causing disturbance to peace in the area’, while the oustees were in the farm land and there was absolutely nothing they did to disturb peace in the locality. Secondly, an FIR registered against 100-150 ‘unknown people’ 2.5 years ago when the Satyagraha started, but no arrests were made, is now being used against these oustees in a wrongful and vindictive manner ! It may also be noted that in a similar case of illegal arrest and lathicharge at the Badwani Zameen Hak Satyagraha in June, 2007, the High Court, Jabalpur directed the Govt. of M.P. to pay Rs. 10,000 each to the arrested Satyagrahis and half payment has already been made, after the Supreme Court’s intervention and the case is still pending.
While in Sardar Sarovar, many hilly adivasis have not accepted any cash compensation, most of the Jobat Dam advasi oustees being illiterate, their signatures were taken on affidavits and were paid very meagre cash compensation, many years ago and their lands / houses were illegally submerged without being provided alternative cultivable land. In the presence of full media, the Rehabilitation Officer of the Narmada Valley Development Authority accepted that the applications of hundreds of oustees demanding land for land and for return of compensation, as per the Supreme Court’s orders in 2011 have not been attended to for more than one and a half year.
A day before, the oustees also marched to the office of the Superintendent of Police, Mr. Akhilesh Jha and questioned the arbitrary manner of arrests. He was convinced that the contentious issue is lack of rehabilitation and that the police has no role to play. The oustees also submitted a complaint under the SC and ST (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989 demanding legal action against all the concerned officers for arresting the adivasis, evicting them for the land, causing destruction of the standing crop at the Satyagraha and submergence of their lands and homes, without lawful rehabilitation. The protestors issued an ultimatum to Government of Madhya Pradesh, through the Collector, Alirajpur to unconditionally release all the jailed oustees and begin the process of land-based rehabilitation, within 3 days, otherwise an intense struggle would follow.
Please do call the Collector and SP, Alirajpur to immediately release all the oustees unconditionally and begin the process of rehabilitation.
Mr. N.P. Dehariya -Collector, Alirajpur – Ph – 09425188061
Mr. Akhilesh Jha, Superintendent of Police – Ph – 9753936277
Idibai Surbhan Bhilala Kamla Yadav Meera (09179148973)
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Categories : Business, Education
Attack on Aam Aadmi Party Office in Kaushambi, Ghaziabad
9012014- Tata Safari – DL 7C K 3230
- Mahindra Scorpio – UP 14 BW 0234
- Hyundai Eon – UP 14 CB 8565
- Skoda Fabia – DL 7C K 7092
- UP 14 R 4577
- UP 14 BJ 3482
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Categories : Business, Politics
President of Indian giving awards at PBD Day 3

Santosh Chowdhary at the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas 2014: India has immense to offer in the healthcare sector
Smt. Santosh Chowdhary, Minister of State for Health and Family Welfare addressed the Pravasi Bharatiya Divas, here today. Speaking at the occasion, the MoS (Health) highlighted several achievements of the Government in the healthcare area. She stated that with the 12th Plan allocations projecting a three-fold increase over the 11th Plan period, “Health” has become a central theme in our aim to achieve universal and inclusive healthcare for all our citizens. She also stated that India has immense to offer in the area of healthcare and there are tremendous opportunities for domestic and trans-national stakeholders to deliver in this sector, whether for health services, health research, infrastructure, medical equipment and technology or health insurance, pharmaceuticals, laboratories, etc. Smt. Chowdhary also said that healthcare industry in India is seen as booming in the last decades. Currently, it is estimated at US Dollar 80 billion and is expected to touch US Dollar 160 billion by the year 2017. She further said that India is now regarded as the ‘Pharmacy of the developing world’. It is because of our price and quality that we export drugs to more than 150 countries including highly regulated European Union, Japan and US markets, the MoS pointed out. The Minister pointed out that under the NRHM more than Rs.1,11,000 crores have been released to 35 State Governments and UTs; nearly 51,000 health facilities have been created, including new construction and up-gradation works to improve public health infrastructure; and more than 70,000 beds have been added in government health institutions for provision of essential and emergency services across the country. She also said that it is a matter of great pride that in the last couple of years the field of medical research and development has been revolutionized. India has developed testing strips for diabetes, diagnostic tests for TB, Lung fluke, Dengue, cancer and several other infections, and newer environment friendly methods of mosquito control have been developed. Highlighting the achievements of the AYUSH department, Smt. Chowdhary stated that with supportive Government policies and strategies, the country has developed a vast infrastructure of AYUSH facilities. She said that India is one of the 17 mega bio-diversity rich countries and has 7% of the world’s bio-diversity. It has one of the oldest, richest and most diverse cultural traditions, associated with the use of medicinal plants, she said. The affordability of most traditional medicines makes them all the more attractive at a time of soaring healthcare costs and nearly universal austerity, the Minister informed the gathering. |
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Categories : Business, culture, Education, health, Media, Politics, world News
India’s government debt structure mitigates macro-economic imbalances: Moody’s
India‘s government debt structure mitigates macro-economic imbalances: Moody’s
According to Moody’s Investors Service the structure of India ‘s government debt which is largely owed domestically, in rupees, at relatively low real interest rates and at long tenors has mitigated the credit challenges stemming from India ‘s high fiscal deficits and large government debt burden during a period of slower growth, currency volatility, and rising interest rates.
The government’s debt financing profile benefited from an increase in India ‘s domestic savings during previous years of high GDP growth, as well as from capital controls and bank liquidity requirements which channel a portion of private savings into government debt. Over the last decade, the domestic financial system absorbed longer term government debt at relatively low real interest rates.
Interest rates paid on Indian government debt have been significantly lower than India ‘s GDP growth rate, and this interest-growth differential has led lowered the government debt/GDP and government interest payments/government revenue ratio over the last decade, despite wide fiscal deficits. In the last three years, as interest rates have increased and growth has slowed, India ‘s interest-growth differential has narrowed, yet it remains more favorable than in many similarly rated countries, and is a factor underpinning government debt sustainability.
As macro-economic imbalances have heightened in the last few years, the currency, maturity and interest rate structure of government debt has supported India ‘s sovereign credit profile and Baa3 rating. Although government bond yields have risen significantly in the last year, the overall effective interest rate paid by the government has remained relatively stable, since a major portion of government debt was contracted at long maturities and fixed interest rates.
In addition, foreign currency debt and debt owed to non-residents is a relatively small portion of Indian government debt. Therefore, currency volatility and global risk aversion has a more limited impact on Indian government debt service costs than in countries where reliance on external debt is higher.
However, if current lower growth and high inflation persist over the medium term, the domestic financial system’s capacity to absorb government debt could fall quite considerably. This is monitored that it could change the structure of government debt, raise debt financing costs and weaken government debt ratios.
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