Nov FDI grows by about 55%
Dear All,
The FDI equity inflows for the month of Nov 2013 are estimated at around US$ 1.64 bn as against about US$ 1.06 bn in Nov 2012, posting a growth (Y-o-Y) of 54.8%. The growth in FDI equity inflows stands at around (-) 37.7% in Oct 2013, (-) 12% in Sep 2013, (-) 38% in Aug 2013 and 12% in July 2013.
Trend in growth of FDI equity inflows over the months (in %)
Source: PHD Research Bureau compiled from Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.
The total FDI equity inflows, in the period April-Nov 2013-14 are estimated at around US$ 15.5 bn; representing negative growth of around (-) 2% over the FDI equity inflows of about US$ 15.8 bn for the corresponding period last year.
Recent trend in FDI equity inflows (FY 2014)
Financial Year 2013- 2014 (April-March) |
Amount of FDI equity inflows
| ||
(In Rs. Crore)
(In US$ mn)
| ||
1 | Apr-13 |
2 | May-13 |
3 | Jun-13 |
4 | Jul-13 |
5 | Aug-13 |
6 | Sep-13 |
7 | Oct-13 |
8 | Nov-13 |
2013-14 (from April-Nov 2013) |
| |
2012-13 (from April-Nov 2012) |
| |
%age growth over last year |
(-) 8%
(-) 2%
Source: PHD Research Bureau compiled from Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.
Mauritius tops the chart as an investing country, with the top investing sectors being the services sector (includes financial, banking, insurance, non-financial / business, outsourcing, R&D, courier, tech. testing and analysis). Also, Mumbai and New Delhi are observed to be the cities attracting thehighest FDI equity inflows.
Service sector and construction development constitute the highest share in attracting FDI equity inflows during April 2000-Nov 2013 of around 19% and 11%, respectively. Telecommunications, Computer software and hardware as well as drugs and pharmaceuticals posted share of 6% and Chemicals (other than fertilizers) constitute about 5%. Automobile Industry, Power and Metallurgical Industries constitute share of about 4% in FDI equity inflows and Hotel and tourism constitute share of about 3% during the same period.
Sector wise contribution in FDI equity inflows (%)
Source: PHD Research Bureau, compiled from Department of Industrial Policy & Promotion.
The data represents share of sector in total FDI equity inflows for the cumulative period of April’00-Nov 2013
Note: ** Services sector includes financial, banking, insurance, non-financial / business, outsourcing, R&D, courier, tech. testing and analysis
Warm regards,
Dr. S P Sharma
Chief Economist
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Categories : Business, CSR, culture
RBI issues framework for revitalising distressed assets in the economy
(Improving the system’s ability to deal with corporate distress and financial institution distress by strengthening real and financial restructuring as well as debt recovery)
outlines a corrective action plan that will incentivise early identification of problem cases, timely restructuring of accounts which are considered to be viable, and taking prompt steps by banks for recovery or sale of unviable accounts. With the slowdown of the Indian economy, a number of companies/projects are under stress. Consequently, the Indian banking system has seen increase in Non-Performing Assets (NPAs) and restructured accounts during the recent years. As the financially distressed assets not only results in producing less than economically possible, they also deteriorate quickly in value. Therefore, there is a need to ensure that the banking system recognises financial distress early, takes prompt steps to resolve it, and ensures fair recovery for lenders and investors.
The main proposals of the Framework are:
1. Early formation of a lenders’ committee with timelines to agree to a plan for resolution.
2. Centralised reporting and dissemination of information on large credit.
3. Incentives for lenders to agree collectively and quickly to a plan: better regulatory treatment of stressed assets if a resolution plan is underway, accelerated provisioning if no agreement can be reached.
4. Improvement in current restructuring process: Independent evaluation of large value restructurings mandated, with a focus on viable plans and a fair sharing of losses (and future possible upside) between promoters and creditors.
5. More expensive future borrowing for borrowers who do not co-operate with lenders in resolution.
6. More liberal regulatory treatment provided for asset sales:
· Lenders can spread loss on sale over two years provided loss is fully disclosed.
· Take-out financing/refinancing possible over a longer period and will not be construed as restructuring.
· Leveraged buyouts will be allowed for specialised entities for acquisition of ‘stressed companies’.
· Steps to enable better functioning of Asset Reconstruction Companies mooted.
· Sector-specific Companies/Private equity firms encouraged to play active role in stressed assets market.
Going forward, while some regulatory and governmental measures may be required to address the factors that are leading to deteriorating asset quality, there is an equal need for proper credit risk management and credit discipline among lenders. RBI also stated that this framework will be fully effective from April 1, 2014. However, in the meanwhile, banks and specified non-bank lenders should put in place necessary system and infrastructure to effectively implement the Framework.
Warm regards,
Dr. S P Sharma
Chief Economist
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Categories : Uncategorized
Oriental Bank of Commerce RESULTS FOR 31ST DECEMBER, 2013
(Rs. in Crore)
Growth (YoY)
| |
Business Mix |
Total Deposits |
Total Advances |
Core Deposits |
CASA Deposits |
CASA per Branch |
Retail Term Deposits (less than Rs.1 Cr) |
Retail Advances |
Priority Sector Advances |
CD Ratio |
6 bps
Cost of Deposits- Nine Months |
-23 bps
Net Interest Margin (NIM) -
Nine Months
Business per Employee |
Book Value per Share (in Rs.) |
o Total Income (Nine Months) increased by 6.57% (YoY) to Rs.15,307 Crore.
o Interest Income (Nine Months) increased by 7.18% (YoY) to Rs.14,117 Crore.
o Net Interest Income (Nine Months) increased by 9.49% (YoY) to Rs.3,818 Crore.
o Operating Profit: Rs.858 crore for Q3; Rs.2,772 crore for Nine Months.
o Net Profit: Rs.224 crore for Q3; Rs.829 crore for Nine Months.
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Categories : Business
‘Beyond planetary boundaries to unlimited national potential’
International Seminar
‘Beyond planetary boundaries to unlimited national potential’
(February 4th‐5th, 2014)
4th February 2014: Development Alternatives World Headquarters &
5th February 2014: Seminar Hall No. I, Main Building, India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi
• The two-day seminar to focus on themes like ‘Plundering the Planet’, ‘Why Countries
underperform’, ’Smart Cities’ and ‘Decoupling Resources and Economy’.
• Policy makers, academicians, renowned international experts and authors to present their views on
a more Sustainable Future for India and the World
• Organised by global think tank Development Alternatives (DA)and the Club of Rome (COR)
New Delhi, Jan 30, 2014: The current global development scenario is marked by widespread anxiety,
apprehension and contradictions. If we look at scientific evidences, it shows that we have reached the
‘planetary boundaries’, as human pressures on the planet are at the point where they pose major risks for
future welfare and prosperity. At this juncture a major rethink in our financial, fiscal and economic models is
needed in order to strengthen the planet’s resilience and its ability to provide a safe space for human
development and well-being. The same is also true about India’s economic development process which is
accompanied by widening social disparities and incessant plundering of natural resources. To discuss and
deliberate on these immensely important contemporary issues, Development Alternatives (DA), a global
think tank in collaboration with Club of Rome is organising the two-day seminar.
According to Dr Ashok Khosla, Chairman, Development Alternatives (DA), and former Co-President of the
Club of Rome, “This International seminar is taking place at a time of unprecedented breakdowns in the
global economic systems, the environmental resource base and societal resilience. Its purpose will be to
explore the conditions and changes needed for recreating a better balanced world. It is becoming clear to
many that any effort in this direction needs a revival of value systems that care for and nurture all of
humanity, all of nature and all of the future.”
To be organised on February 4 & 5, 2014, the experts and speakers in the seminar will look at how different
challenges and issues, namely climate, finance, economy and employment are interlinked while outlining a
number of key solutions. An interesting part of the seminar would be the reassessment of the book ‘Limits
to Growth’ (1972) and its relevance in today’s context. One of the authors of the book, Jorgen Randers, will
also be present. The outcome of the seminar will provide substantial inputs to policy makers in both the
public and private sector, which will help represent the needs of India at global forums to support equitable
and environmentally sound and Sustainable development.
Speakers and Sessions
The Seminar will be addressed by visiting members from the Club of Rome, along with leaders from
business, government, academics and civil society who would commit collective action within sectors and
define the policy changes needed to enable industry-wide transformation for inclusive and sustainable
green growth. Prominent speakers include, Prof Deepak Nayyar (JNU), S. Ramadorai (Chairman, Indian
National Association for the Club of Rome and Chairman, National Skill Development Agency), Nitin Desai
(Special Advisor, The Secretary General of UN for the World Summit on the Information Society), Anvita
Arora, CEO, Innovative Transport Solutions (iTrans). The overseas members from the Club of Rome include
Anders Wijkman, Co-President, Ian Johnson, Secretary General, and several authors of recent Club of Rome
publications, Graeme Maxton (Economist and Author), Jorgen Randers (Professor, BI Norwegian Business
School) and Ugo Bardi (Professor, University of Florence).
About Development Alternatives (DA)
Headquartered in New Delhi, Development Alternatives (DA) is a pioneer in sustainable development and is
among the top 150 global Think Tanks. It has built up a global presence in economic development,
social empowerment and environment management. DA fulfills its mission to end poverty and regenerate
the resource base by creating economic opportunities for communities and local enterprises to generate
sustainable livelihoods and basic needs products. It achieves this by innovating and delivering technologybased,
market oriented solutions through a group of not-for-profit organizations and for-profit companies.
About Club of Rome (COR)
Established in 1968, The Club of Rome is a non-profit organisation, which aims “to act as a global catalyst for
change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the
communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the
general public.” The broad goal of the national chapter, CoR-India, is to help design an agenda for
governments in India, the business sector as well as all its citizens organizations that could enable everybody
in this country to live a full life in harmony with their surroundings by the centenary of the nation, 2047.
For more details:
Ms Deepti Roy Ms Neha Agrawal
M: 9871849472 M: 9910068014
E: E:
‘Beyond planetary boundaries to unlimited national potential’
(February 4th‐5th, 2014)
4th February 2014: Development Alternatives World Headquarters &
5th February 2014: Seminar Hall No. I, Main Building, India International Centre (IIC), New Delhi
• The two-day seminar to focus on themes like ‘Plundering the Planet’, ‘Why Countries
underperform’, ’Smart Cities’ and ‘Decoupling Resources and Economy’.
• Policy makers, academicians, renowned international experts and authors to present their views on
a more Sustainable Future for India and the World
• Organised by global think tank Development Alternatives (DA)and the Club of Rome (COR)
New Delhi, Jan 30, 2014: The current global development scenario is marked by widespread anxiety,
apprehension and contradictions. If we look at scientific evidences, it shows that we have reached the
‘planetary boundaries’, as human pressures on the planet are at the point where they pose major risks for
future welfare and prosperity. At this juncture a major rethink in our financial, fiscal and economic models is
needed in order to strengthen the planet’s resilience and its ability to provide a safe space for human
development and well-being. The same is also true about India’s economic development process which is
accompanied by widening social disparities and incessant plundering of natural resources. To discuss and
deliberate on these immensely important contemporary issues, Development Alternatives (DA), a global
think tank in collaboration with Club of Rome is organising the two-day seminar.
According to Dr Ashok Khosla, Chairman, Development Alternatives (DA), and former Co-President of the
Club of Rome, “This International seminar is taking place at a time of unprecedented breakdowns in the
global economic systems, the environmental resource base and societal resilience. Its purpose will be to
explore the conditions and changes needed for recreating a better balanced world. It is becoming clear to
many that any effort in this direction needs a revival of value systems that care for and nurture all of
humanity, all of nature and all of the future.”
To be organised on February 4 & 5, 2014, the experts and speakers in the seminar will look at how different
challenges and issues, namely climate, finance, economy and employment are interlinked while outlining a
number of key solutions. An interesting part of the seminar would be the reassessment of the book ‘Limits
to Growth’ (1972) and its relevance in today’s context. One of the authors of the book, Jorgen Randers, will
also be present. The outcome of the seminar will provide substantial inputs to policy makers in both the
public and private sector, which will help represent the needs of India at global forums to support equitable
and environmentally sound and Sustainable development.
Speakers and Sessions
The Seminar will be addressed by visiting members from the Club of Rome, along with leaders from
business, government, academics and civil society who would commit collective action within sectors and
define the policy changes needed to enable industry-wide transformation for inclusive and sustainable
green growth. Prominent speakers include, Prof Deepak Nayyar (JNU), S. Ramadorai (Chairman, Indian
National Association for the Club of Rome and Chairman, National Skill Development Agency), Nitin Desai
(Special Advisor, The Secretary General of UN for the World Summit on the Information Society), Anvita
Arora, CEO, Innovative Transport Solutions (iTrans). The overseas members from the Club of Rome include
Anders Wijkman, Co-President, Ian Johnson, Secretary General, and several authors of recent Club of Rome
publications, Graeme Maxton (Economist and Author), Jorgen Randers (Professor, BI Norwegian Business
School) and Ugo Bardi (Professor, University of Florence).
About Development Alternatives (DA)
Headquartered in New Delhi, Development Alternatives (DA) is a pioneer in sustainable development and is
among the top 150 global Think Tanks. It has built up a global presence in economic development,
social empowerment and environment management. DA fulfills its mission to end poverty and regenerate
the resource base by creating economic opportunities for communities and local enterprises to generate
sustainable livelihoods and basic needs products. It achieves this by innovating and delivering technologybased,
market oriented solutions through a group of not-for-profit organizations and for-profit companies.
About Club of Rome (COR)
Established in 1968, The Club of Rome is a non-profit organisation, which aims “to act as a global catalyst for
change through the identification and analysis of the crucial problems facing humanity and the
communication of such problems to the most important public and private decision makers as well as to the
general public.” The broad goal of the national chapter, CoR-India, is to help design an agenda for
governments in India, the business sector as well as all its citizens organizations that could enable everybody
in this country to live a full life in harmony with their surroundings by the centenary of the nation, 2047.
For more details:
Ms Deepti Roy Ms Neha Agrawal
M: 9871849472 M: 9910068014
E: E:
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Categories : Business
Director Nila Madhab Panda Promoted his film “Babloo Happy hai” with starcast in Noida
Nila Madhab Panda, a well known director, critically praised especially for his film “I am Kalam” has made a new film “Babloo Happy hai”, for which, he visited Hotel Radisson Blu, Noida with actorsSahil Anand, Sumit Suri & Preet Kamal and promoted the film
Talking about the film Nila Madhab Panda said, “The film Babloo Happy is of comedy genre, all the young actors who have worked on it are very hardworking. I think, it is rather difficult to make comedy films because you can easily hurt people but making someone laugh is something very difficult and I hope I will be succeeded if I could make even one person laugh through this film. I am sure people will like this film of mine”
‘Babloo Happy Hai’ is a film that embraces these words, as it takes you on a journey through the breathtaking mountains, and through the lives of a set of memorable characters who will make you think again about love, and fall in love with love itself. It is a story set in the fast-paced times we live in today, concerning those who are forced to move the fastest – our youth.
Amidst the common notions of irreverence and rebellion, the youth of today is troubled by many questions, puzzled by many choices, battling with a lot of pressures; wandering perhaps, but not entirely lost. The most basic of these conflicts, however, remains the question of love.
“Babloo Happy hai” is a comedy film and is all set to be released on 7th Feb.
Shailesh Giri
Effective Communication
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Celebrate Diversity in Nature at the specially designed film festival & forum begins
The 5 day biodiversity gala features film festival, forums, exhibitions, musical festival, food festival, green bazaar and many more at the IGNCA Lawns.
In a completely new format, a five day green festival is being organised at the Indira Gandhi National Centre for the Arts (IGNCA) in New Delhi from (Thursday – Monday) which started from Jan 30, 2014.
For the first time in the world, a film festival & forum is being organized in open grounds (not in auditoriums). Inspired from the Jaipur Literature Festival and in its endeavour to mainstream biodiversity issues to general public, this specially curated festival is spread across 27 acres of IGNCA campus (near India Gate and Central Secretariat Metro Station).
Special venues and layouts are being created to make it people friendly and highly engaging to both general public and also for the professionals in this field. The six main venues in this festival are : 1) International Screen – where all best of world cinema and the nominated international films will be screened; 2) ONGC Lawn where film screenings with open forums with film makers & experts is scheduled; 3) Japan Lawn is situated in the amphitheatre and will host all the important thematic sessions; 4) UNDP & GIZ Lawn for Coastal and Marine Biodiversity will have screenings and thematic discussions; 5) CMS lawn will have discussions and media interactions; 6) Young Champions Lawn is a special lawn dedicated section solely for the youth with activities such as film screenings for children, interactive sessions with filmmakers, workshops on puppetry and paper mache & crafts, painting competition, and biodiversity games.
The festival hosted a high profile Inaugural Ceremony on the evening of Jan 30, 2014.Mr. K.S Rao Union Minister for Textiles graced the occasion as the Chief Guest. Dr Karan Singh, MP and President, ICCSR and Ms. Lise Grande, UN Resident Coordinator and UNDP Resident Representative in India was also present at the inaugural ceremony. Mr. V B Mathur, Senior Professor & Dean, Wildlife Institute of India (WII) and Mr A S Panneerselvan, Executive Director, PANOS South Asia were among the special invitees.
Ms. Vijaya Mulay, veteran documentary filmmaker was awarded with the CMS VATAVARAN Lifetime Achievement Award for her outstanding contribution in filmmaking. CMS VATAVARAN Prithvi Ratna Award was given to Mr. Sanjay Barnela, filmmaker for outstanding contribution to nature and conservation filming throughout their career which has resulted in bringing change in perception, practice and policy with regards to environment. CMS VATAVARAN also presented the PSA CMS Media Excellence Awards for excellence in environment reporting. This year, the awards was presented to Ms. Juhi Chaudhury (CNN IBN), Ms. Chandan Haygunde (Indian Express, Pune), Amantha Perrera (Sri Lanka) and Subhra Priyadarshini (India)
The festival also promises Along with film screenings and thematic discussions there will also be book launches, live demos on aerial photography, exhibitions, film booth, food court, green haat (shopping), music festival, interesting art installations, 40 ft life size whale shark & Gaju on display for promoting environment sensitivity at scale.
‘Kalpvriksh’ directed by Manika Sharma and starring Shabana Azmi will be screened at 4:30 pm the 7th CMS VATAVARAN – Asia’s largest film festival and forum on environment & wildlife. Noted film actor Shabana Azmi was present in the forum. The film session also had producer Raajaysh Chetwal and its director Manika Sharma for an open forum.
The festival theme this year is mainstreaming biodiversity conservation at different levels to promote living in harmony with nature. Based on this theme, three schools in Delhi (The Shri Ram Schools, Sri Venkateshwar International School and Bloom Public School) are decorating the entire venue with their art, crafts and sculptures.
In all, during this five day festival, these specially designed and constructed thematic lawns will showcase 150 films and more than 70 eminent speakers in various 48 thematic sessions and expert discussions. Organisations and individuals working across the country on various biodiversity conservation efforts will be participating in this festival. Renowned conservationists, policy makers and the concerned communities will also be engaged in deliberations and discourses on the range of the sub themes and cross cutting issues. Amol Palekar (actor and director), Shabana Azmi (film actor), Belinda Wright (founder of WPSI), Bahar Dutt (environment journalist), Shekhar Dattari (wildlife filmmaker), Dr Raghuwat Chundawat (conservation biologist), Sunita Narain (activist), Kartikeya Sarabhai (environment educator), Ranjit Lal (children’s author and columnist); Vivek Menon (conservationist); are some of the confirmed speakers at this forum.
Celebrate diversity in nature in Asia’s largest film festival & forum on environment and wildlife !
To participate, register online -
About CMS VATAVARAN: The rich experience of CMS in environmental issues & development communication sowed the seeds of CMS VATAVARAN, India’s only International Environment & Wildlife Film Festival and Forum. In its decade long eventful journey from 2002 – 2012, CMS VATAVARAN has become a movement and inspired many organisations / individuals to use films and film festivals as a medium to catalyse change. It has created a strong network of Indian and International filmmakers, policymakers, academicians, research think tanks, environmentalists, journalists, students of all streams, defense & paramilitary forces and nature enthusiasts. The festival has an International recognition and till date 39 festivals have been organised across 26 cities of India.
CMS VATAVARAN remains resolute to encourage environment films and forums resulting change in perception, practice and policy.
For more details contact:
Ms Indira Akoijam, Media Coordinator – CMS VATAVARAN
E:, Cell: 9899979161, Phone – 011 26864020 / 26851660
CMS, RESEARCH House, Saket Community Centre, New Delhi 110017
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Categories : Business, Entertainment, Uncategorized
Panasonic India launches 2 new Microwave Ovens
Panasonic India launches 2 new Microwave Ovens specialized for Indian cooking
· Targeting 7% Market Share in the next 6 months and 10% by Diwali ’14
· Revolutionizes Microwave cooking with its latest Ovens
24th December, 2013; New Delhi: For all Connoisseurs of food out there, here comes a new year present from Panasonic! Keeping in mind, the wants of food enthusiasts who crave for mouthwatering yet healthy and fast to cook food, Panasonic has rolled out its new range of convection microwaves in 23 litres capacity.
NN-DF383BFCE: The Panasonic Microwave Double Heater with Inverter is perfect for preparing Indian specialties by methods of Barbeque, Baking and Tandoor. It comes with double heater system which heats the food from top and bottom for a perfect finish. Equipped with inverter technology which uses precise heat control, it delivers sumptuous meals without much effort. A very unique feature of this model is its flat & wide cavity which provides a 57% more usable space than a regular 23 litres microwave and helps cook a lot of food at once. Panasonic NN-DF383BFCE is priced at Rs____. Some of its useful features include:
· Double Heater System
· 71 Auto Cook Menus
· Sensor Reheat: Automatic 1 touch heating;
· Simultaneous Combination Cooking
· Inverter Technology: Precise Heat Control
57% more usable space than a regular 23 Litre
NN-CT353BFCG: The Panasonic Microwave Convection Oven is a blessing for anyone who cooks. The latter assists the cook with the help of its 61 Auto Cook Menus and Express Cooking services, promising quick, easy and tasty food on the plate. Panasonic NN-CT353BFCG is priced at Rs 12, 490. It comes with the following features:
· 61 Auto Cook Menus
· Turbo Defrost
· Express Cooking
· 40, 100-200 Degree Temperature settings
· Easy & Reliable Membrane Switches
Mr. Gaurav Minocha – Head, Home Appliances Panasonic India was thrilled to announce the launch of the latest set of microwave ovens. “In India, microwaves have been mostly used for secondary purposes like reheating food. In its efforts to introduce microwave cooking to Indian household, Panasonic has launched microwave ovens especially designed to cook Indian variety of food which require intense procedures like thorough cooking and grilling. This would greatly ease out cooking for the Indian homemaker while at the same time delivering healthy yet delicious meals.”
Both the models will be available in market from January onwards.
About Panasonic India
Panasonic makes available in India its wide range of consumer electronics, home appliances like LCD & Plasma TVs, DVD players, home theatre systems, cameras, camcorders, car audio systems, air conditioners, washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens, automatic cookers, vacuum cleaners and a wide range of system products including communication ones like Phones, High Definition Videoconferencing, Professional Audio Video products like broadcast cameras, Projectors and Displays, Business Solutions including Printers, Whiteboards and Security solutions. The company currently has a workforce of about 12,500 in India. For more information on the company and the Panasonic brand in India, please visit
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