Energy Efficiency Services Limited ( EESL), under Ministry of Power, Government of India has launched UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable Lighting for All) Scheme in the State of Melaka, Malaysia recently. The Scheme has been launched by hon’ble Chief Minister of Melaka ,Datuk Seri Utama Ir. Hj. Idris Bin Hj. Haron.
In due course of time, the successful Indian model of UJALA scheme has become a sought-after example for the different nations of the world and will now be implemented in Melaka to extend programme benefits to people of the region. Under this scheme, each household in Melaka will get 10 high quality 9-watt LED bulbs at a cost of only RM 10, which is a special price and is almost half of what in begin offered in the market. The distribution of these LED bulb will take place from 28 numbers of Japerun in the region. These Japerun are a unique community welfare and engagement centers, which are situated across the Melakan State.
Under the extensive and ever-expanding idea of UJALA, Energy Efficiency Services Limited (EESL) plans to distribute about 1 million 9W LED bulbs, which will replace 18W CFLs. The initiative will have the logistical assistance and facilitation support from Green Growth Asia, which is a not for profit organization. The price of each bulb will be way lesser than global average price of the LED bulbs, which still swings between 3-5 USD. Notably, each bulb that is being provided by EESL under the UJALA scheme in Melaka comes with a 3-year free replacement warranty against any technical defects. These bulbs sent from India will be of leading brands and manufacturers like Osram, Philips along with other companies of repute. This scheme will positively impact the economy of the region and will further improve the quality of life of the people residing in the region. With an aim to reduce the annual household electricity bills by approximately 10.22 million RM every year, households will be able to make significant monetary savings in their electricity bills.
UJALA’s impact in Malaysia will bring about clean energy, contribute to climate change targets and save the already dwindling energy resources. With a fairly large switch to LED bulbs, Melaka will be able to reduce carbon emissions by around 19,000 tonnes per year. This scheme will help reduce the subsidy burdens of the State Government. The concept of energy efficiency has strongly overcome many bottlenecks and this adoption by a Malaysian State is yet another achievement towards furthering the idea of energy efficiency to conserve the resources, money and environment.
The UJALA programme has been one of the prime achievements of Government of India in promoting and executing the concept of energy efficiency. Hon’ble Prime Minister of India Sh. Narendra Modi on January 5, 2015 had launched the world’s largest and most extensive LED distribution programme, UJALA (Unnat Jyoti by Affordable Lighting for All). Currently, over 25-crore LED bulbs have been distributed under the UJALA scheme in India, which are resulting in 33,828 mn kWh of energy savings per year. While about 13,531 crores are being saved in energy bills of consumers per annum, about 2,74,00,887 tonnes of CO2 reduction is taking place per year.
New Delhi, 07 September 2017 – The International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of India have signed an agreement today to improve incomes and strengthen drought resilience for 165,000 farming households in the five driest districts in Andhra Pradesh.
The financial and project agreements for the Andhra Pradesh Drought Mitigation Project were signed today by Rasha Omar, Country Director and Representative, IFAD; Sameer Kumar Khare, Joint Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Government of India; and Budithi Rajsekhar, Special Chief Secretary Agriculture, Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The total cost of the project is US$148.8 million of which IFAD is providing $75.5 million.
“The project aims to build smallholder farmers’ adaptive capacity to drought. It will also help farmers shift to more diversified yet profitable cropping systems which require less water, as well as to diversify income and food sources by integrating small ruminants into farm production systems,” said Omar.
The southern region of Andhra Pradesh is one of the areas in India that is most vulnerable to changes in climate patterns. For example, rainfall is low and unreliable, with frequent droughts. Soils have low water-holding capacity and groundwater is depleted. Soil fertility is poor and smallholder farmers often do not have access to improved and drought tolerant seed varieties. In the past, farmers have not had access to the information and techniques that would help them adapt to changing weather conditions and secure food for their households throughout the year.
The new project will help farmers to produce drought-tolerant crop varieties, manage soil fertility and moisture, and access weather information. It will also introduce practises such as harvesting and storing rainwater, managing rangelands to prevent overgrazing, and establishing backyard poultry-raising. The project area will include Anantapur, Chittoor, Kadapa, Kurnool (in the Rayalaseema region) and Prakasam.
A specialized United Nations agency and international financial institution, IFAD has financed 28 rural development programmes and projects in India since 1979, with a total IFAD investment of $1 billion or $2.75 billion when co-funding from the Indian government and others are included. These projects have directly benefitted more than 4.5 million rural households. The India country programme is IFAD’s largest and India is a leading contributor to IFAD and a permanent member of IFAD’s Executive Board.
Susan Beccio
Communications Division
Tel: +39 06 5459 2479
Tel: +39 06 5459 2479
US has proposed a range of new sanctions against North Korea, including an oil ban and a freeze on leader Kim Jong-un’s assets. It has drafted a UN resolution in response to Pyongyang’s latest nuclear test, which will be considered by members of the UN Security Council. The draft calls for bans on supplying a range of oil products to North Korea and purchasing its textile exports.
Kim Jong-un would also have his assets frozen, and be banned from travelling.
The latest move to toughen measures against North Korea follows its latest test in a fast-advancing nuclear weapons programme. North Korea claims to have produced a powerful hydrogen bomb small enough to fit on a long-range missile. Last month, North Korea launched a missile over populated regions of Japan.
The latest move to toughen measures against North Korea follows its latest test in a fast-advancing nuclear weapons programme. North Korea claims to have produced a powerful hydrogen bomb small enough to fit on a long-range missile. Last month, North Korea launched a missile over populated regions of Japan.
It is not known if the latest demands from the US have the backing of either Russia or China, who have expressed scepticism over increasing sanctions. Both countries are suppliers of oil to North Korea, and both wield vetoes at the Security Council.
A further measure in the draft resolution would ban the recruitment of North Korean labourers abroad. Remittance from foreign earnings and textile exports are believed to be two of the country’s most important remaining sources of income.
Hurricane Irma has caused considerable damage on French island territories in the Caribbean this morning. The storm has killed at least nine people so far, most of them in the French Caribbean. At least two people have died on the island of St Barts, and six people lost their lives on St Martin. An infant in Barbuda was killed as the child’s mother tried to escape their home during the storm.
Prime Minister of Antigua and Barbuda Gaston Browne described the destruction on Barbuda is unprecedented in a television interview. He estimated that 60 per cent of the island’s population has been left homeless. He added that Barbuda is barely habitable and it now is literally a rubble. Barbuda, which sits between the Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea, is mostly flat, at most 125 feet above sea level, and is home to about 1,600 people.
The category five hurricane, the highest possible level, is now passing over the northern Virgin Islands. The most powerful storm in a decade, Irma, with its winds as powerful as 290 kilometres per hour, is nearing the island of Puerto Rico and is also forecast to hit Florida on Saturday night.
September07, 2017 (C) Ravinder Singh progressindia2015@gmail.com
10th Farmers Global Leadership Summit 2017 though well managed – 18-19 hour program was compressed in two days, — yet
many Critical Issues were missed and there is No progress on Critical Issues.
All the ‘Recommendations Over 9 Years Were HIJACKED’ by Resourceful Corporate. The Idea of Village Cooperatives was Substituted by ‘FARMER SERVICE CENTERS’, GoI failed to Dismantle MANDIS and repeal Food Marketing Regulations, Adequate Long Term Loans to Farmers Not Provided, No Value Additions [Storage & Processing] Supported at Farms.
1. When population of India increased by about 200m – water storage in Dams for Normal Rainfall decreased by 20%. India didn’t build multipurpose storage dams.
Ø California defines Storage Dam benefits – 1. Storage of Flood Waters, 2. Main Source of Clean Water for Irrigation, Industry & Municipal Supplies, 3. Flood Protection, 4. Power Generation, 5. Recreation, 6. Weather Control, 7. Fish Protection, 8. Environment Protection –.
2. Crops are harvested in a period of 15-30 days in case of GRAINS & Pulses to be consumed over 12 months and carryover stocks to next year – this requires 100% Working Capital for Storage of Grains & Oilseeds but Farm Loans are FIRSTLY Short Term and SECONDLY 70% Farmers don’t get bank loans.
Ø Instead of DOUBLING Income in Storing Crops, Farmers are Forced to Sell Crops at even below MSP and take MONEYLENDER Loans at 3% Per Month to 1% Per day.
3. Single All India Market vs Local Production and Direct Supply. The idea of SINGLE ALL INDIA Market and Connecting Markets is WEIRD in itself.
Ø The very idea of Connecting Markets is WEIRD when India need COOPERATIVES like AMUL buy Fruits & Vegetables from Farmers in the evening and Supplying ‘Graded Clean & Semi Processed FARM FRESH Vegetables to Consumers in the Morning’.
Small Scale On Farm Processing vs Few Food Processing Parks.
4. Farmers were prosperous when there were 1. Paddy, Flour & Dal Mills, 2. Home Churning of Milk, 3. Small Scale Vegetable Oil Extraction, 4. Gur Making at Farms, 5. Home Grown Fruits & Vegetables, Snacks and their Processing, 6. Local Manufacture of Tools, 7. Home Storage of Foodgrains, 8. Own Seed Production, 9. Multiple Cropping and 10. Minimum Trade in Food Products and BARTER Trade. 11. Persian Wheels.
Ø It was Rightly Observed at the Summit – For Every Rs.1000 of Crops Sold, Farmers Spend Rs.2000 on Purchase of Foods.
UBERization of Farm Machinery or Farmers Sharing Machinery
5. Farmers are WISE and Intelligent – Farmers shared ‘Fire’ for example before Safety Matches were introduced but CRITICAL for survival, Tractors and Farm Machinery were put to Maximum use particularly in early years, Land Line Phones of Surpanch were used by entire village, Potato Planters, before Harvesters were introduced ‘Portable Corn Sheller, Rice Sheller, Wheat Threshers’ were common. FARMERS EVEN SHARED WELLS, POOL LABOR IN DIGGING WELLS.
6. Mandis are Not MARKETS. In a Market SELLER determines the Price of Commodity He Sells but in Mandis it is the TRADERS WHO SECRETLY FIX prices. MANDIS don’t have STORAGES and Don’t Have CLEAN & HYGIENIC STORAGE, HANDLING & SORTING FACILITY, NO FREE RUNNING WATER. NO FIX PRICE FOR EVEN SINGLE DAY.
Ø Mandis Cost Farmers 15% in Commissions & Transport, Generate Food Waste & Contaminate Foods, cause 30% Waste or Garbage.
Data CRITICAL for Farming Not Provided
7. Critical Data for FARMERS & AGRICULTURE – Dam Water Storages, Area Planted, Expected Food Production, Turnover of Mandis, Reliable Weather Report, FORECASTING of PRICES, International Prices of Farm Items etc are not provided to Indian Farmers.
8. USA has 8000 Farmers Markets – 25 Per Million. India too need Farmers Market where farmers can sell their ‘Clean & Graded, Semi Processed or Processed Foods directly to Farmers at Prices determined by Farmers Alliance’.
9. Developed Counties and many states Largely Produce Animal Feed than Crops for Human Consumption, Farmers Cooperate in Selling Meats, Egg, Poultry, Milk & Milk Products etc.
Ravinder Singh, Inventor & Consultant, INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND PROJECTS
Y-77, Hauz Khas, ND -110016, India. Ph: 091- 9871056471,
The Company is bringing the following Press Release to present correct facts pertaining to the report o f the comptroller and auditor General(CAG) in relation to the Delhi-Noida Bridge Project that has been submitted before the Hon’ble Supreme Court.
This has been necessitated because a certain newspaper and website have carried erroneous representation of the contents of the said CAG report based on statements of certain representatives of FONRWA, which itself is a Respondent in the pending appeal of the Company (NTBCL) before the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India.
The Correct facts relating to the CAG Report are as follows:
(i) The Hon’ble Supreme court of India, vide its Order dated 11.11.2016, had required the CAG to verify whether under the terms of the Concession Agreement, the Company has recovered the Total Cost of Project or not.
(ii) The finding of the CAG in its report on the specific remit given by the Hon’ble Supreme court is clearly that the company has not recovered the Total Cost of Project and returns under the Concession Agreement. The CAG has further observed that it is not possible to recover the Total Cost of project in the original 30 years concession period of Concession Agreement but also through the useful life of the Noida Bridge.
(iii) It was to rectify these circumstances, that the Company had proposed a detailed amendment to the Concession Agreement to Noida in July 2015, namely that the Concession to terminate after 30 years in 2031, But the same was not considered by Noida.
(iv) The CAG has, in fact determined that even after reducing the Total cost of project as at the date of commissioning in February 2001, the Total un-recovered Total Cost of Project under the Concession Agreement, still works out to be around Rs. 1966 crores. The Finding of the CAG is that the Total cost of Project remains unrecovered and is not going to be recovered in the original Concession Period.
(V) The CAG has then processed to develop various scenarios including changing the stated rate of retun of 20% to formulate potential scenarios as to how the total Project cost can be considered to be recovered.
(vi) The Statements being made by the respondent (FONRWA) of recovery of the total cost of project by the Company related to these scenarios formulated by the CAG.
The matter is sub-judice before the Hon’ble Supreme Court and company will place all the applicable correct facts and its detailed position on the CAG Report before the Hon’ble Court.
Warm Regards,
Sujoy Kumar Chowdhury
A press conference will be addressed by S. Paramjit Singh Sarna, President, Shiromani Akali Dal Delhi Tomorrow i,e Friday 8th September 2017 at 2: 00 pm at party office, Gurdwara Rakab Ganj Sahib Complex, New Delhi-110001.
you are requested to please attend the aforementioned press conference alongwith your team of cameraman.
CONT: 9810172761, 9810640061 

Kulwinder Singh Mattoo
ROOM NO. 212, II ND FLOOR, 15A/55
M-+91-9818143967, 919711790000
011-65041111, 011-25714682, 011-45051113
E-mail: advomattoo@gmail.com
New Delhi: 06 September 2017
Bhadrapada 15, Saka 1939
Shri Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary assumed the charge as Minister of State in the Ministry of Mines in New Delhi today.
The Secretary Mines, Shri Arun Kumar along with the senior officers of the mines ministry welcomed the newly appointed Minister of State in the Ministry of Mines and Ministry of Coal, Shri Haribhai Parthibhai Chaudhary in his office in Shastri Bhawan.
Shri Chaudhary was Minister of State in Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) earlier and he has served as Minister of State in Ministry of Home Affairs.
After taking charge, Shri Chaudhary held meeting with the senior officers of the Ministry of Mines and discussed the progress in the ministry. He represents the Banaskantha constituency of Gujarat and is a four-time member of the Lok Sabha from Bharatiya Janata Party.
- India wins 83-64 over Bangladesh in its second game of the 2nd SABA U16 Zone Championship.
Forward Priyanshu led the team with 32 points. - India had 4 players scoring in double figures.
- India will next meet hosts Nepal on 8th September at 13:30 (13:15 IST).
- This Championship is being played in a round robin league format and the winning team qualifies to the 2017 FIBA Under-16 Asian Championship that will be held in Malaysia later this year.
Bengaluru/Kathmandu, 6th September 2017: The Indian U16 men’s team has beaten Bangladesh 83-64 on the second day of the 2nd SABA U16 Zone Championship being held at the Dashrath Rangshala Stadium, Kathmandu. Forward Priyanshu from India led all scorers with 32 points while India’s topscorer in the previous game, centre Princepal Singh maintained his form and dropped 13 points. Overall, four Indian players scored in double digits.
Bangladesh tried to make a comeback in the second quarter by outscoring India 18-16 but India enjoyed a dominant third quarter to ensure it ended on the winning side.
Moving ahead, India are the strongest contenders for the championship, as they take on Nepal again on 8th September at 13:30 (13:15 IST).
India (Priyanshu 32pts, Binod Rajak 14 pts, Princepal Singh 13 pts) bt Bangladesh83-64 [26-13, 16-18, 16-9, 25-24]
Jersey. No. | Name | Position | DOB | Place of Birth | Representing State | Height
(ft & inches)
| Weight
4 | Princepal Singh | C | 03/01/01 | Ferozepur, Punjab | Punjab | 210 (6’ 10.6’’) | 95 |
5 | Binod RAJAK | PG | 02/04/01 | Kolkata, West Bengal | Punjab | 171 (5’ 6’’) | 61 |
6 | Harshwardhan TOMAR | F/C | 01/02/01 | Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | 199 (6’ 5’’) | 91 |
7 | Mani THAKUR | PG | 26/10/01 | Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh | Madhya Pradesh | 173 (5’ 6’’) | 63 |
8 | Ajmer SINGH | C | 09/10/01 | Delhi | Chandigarh | 188 (6’ 1’’) | 70 |
9 | Gaurav SHEORAN | F | 10/02/02 | Hisar, Haryana | Haryana | 184 (6’) | 73 |
10 | Priyanshu | F | 18/03/02 | Shabga, Uttar Pradesh | Uttar Pradesh | 183 (6’) | 68 |
11 | Jerom PRINCE GEORGE | PG | 01/10/02 | Saudi Arabia | Kerala | 174 (5’ 7’’) | 64 |
12 | Prashant TOMAR | PG | 05/03/01 | Baraut, Uttar Pradesh | Karnataka | 176 (5’ 7’’) | 64 |
13 | Nitish BENIWAL | PF | 15/02/01 | Delhi | Delhi | 190 (6’ 2’’) | 85 |
14 | Vigneshwar UPADHYAY | PF | 01/01/01 | Azamgarh, Uttar Pradesh | Telangana | 193 (6’ 3’’) | 75 |
15 | Rajveer Singh BHATI | F | 26/05/02 | Bikaner, Rajasthan | Rajasthan | 184 (6’) | 71 |
*PG – Point Guard / Feeder, G – Guard, F – Forward, G/F – Wing, PF – Power Forward, C – Centre, PF/C – Post
Team Manager: Kulvinder Gill
Coach: Vibhor Bhriguvanshi
Assistant Coach: Babu Davis
Referee: Tanmoy Das
Pool – A | Pool – B | |
1. India | 1. Maldives | |
2. Nepal | 2. Bangladesh | |
3. Bhutan |
7thSept 2017 (Thursday)
Game No. | Match | Game Time |
5. | Bhutan vs. Maldives | 11:00 AM |
6. | Bangladesh vs. Nepal | 01:30 PM |
8th Sept 2017 (Friday)
Game No. | Match | Game Time |
7. | Maldives vs. Bangladesh | 11:00 PM |
8. | Nepal vs. India | 01:30 PM |
9th Sept 2017 (Saturday)
Game No. | Match | Game Time |
9. | India vs. Bhutan | 11:00 AM |
10. | Maldives vs. Nepal | 01:30 PM |
About Basketball Federation of India
The Basketball Federation of India or BFI is the governing and controlling body of basketball in India, and is responsible for the development and promotion of the sport at all levels. BFI has been involved in conducting camps, clinics, events, and training sessions at its academies for the development of basketball. BFI came into being in 1935 and took complete control over Indian basketball in 1950. Prior to that time, the Indian Olympic Association handled the conduct of Indian basketball championships. Since 1950, the BFI has been conducting various such championships, from the grassroots to senior team participation in international tournaments. In addition, the BFI has been responsible for the establishment of strong sub-junior and junior level programs. The BFI has to its credit produced several international players of repute, among them 17 have been bestowed with the honour of Arjuna Awards. Earlier in June 2015, Satnam Singh Bhamara made history by becoming the first Indian national to be drafted by an NBA team, when he was selected by the Dallas Mavericks. More information at www.basketballfederationindia.org
Amardip Sinh Malik surges ahead in round two of Kensville Open 2017 presented by PGTI

Ahmedabad, September 6, 2017: Amardip Sinh Malik of Noida surged ahead in round two of the Kensville Open 2017 presented by PGTI. Malik took a one-shot lead thanks to an error-free round of five-under-67 at the Kensville Golf & Country Club in Ahmedabad on Wednesday. His two-day total read eight-under-136 at the Rs. 40 lakh event.
Allahabad’s Samarth Dwivedi, the overnight leader, dropped to second place at seven-under-137 on day two after a fighting two-under-70.
Delhi’s Himmat Singh Rai (67) and Kolkata’s Shankar Das (70) occupied tied third place at six-under-138.
Noida’s Gaurav Pratap Singh produced the day’s best score of six-under-66 which propelled him to tied fifth at five-under-139. Chandigarh’s Sujjan Singh (69) also took a share of fifth.
The cut fell at five-over-149. Sixty-one professionals and both the local amateurs, Anshul Patel and Varun Parikh, made the cut.
Amardip Sinh Malik (69-67), who was overnight tied fifth, two off the lead, rose into contention on day two with a flawless 67. Malik, a winner on the PGTI, started well by hitting it close on the first few holes. He birdied the 12th, 13th and 14th to get on a roll.
Amardip created three more birdie opportunities on the front-nine of which he converted two, on the second and sixth, to emerge as one of the frontrunners for the title.
Malik, who won his last title on the PGTI, three years back, said, “After a good start I was three-under at the turn and told myself that if I can just give myself a couple of more birdie opportunities I could go low. I did that as I managed the holes really well. Even though I missed from three feet on the fourth hole, I didn’t let that bother me because I knew this is going to happen a lot this week.
“The highlight of my round was that I managed the course really well. All my birdies were within five to six feet. I also made some tough two-putts today. I’m eight-under on a golf course which is not playing easy, I’m quite pleased about that.
“I’m feeling good at the moment as my hitting and putting is quite sharp and I’m also injury-free. I had injured the little finger on my right hand at the end of last year. I struggled with the pain and played with it for quite a few months. I even had to withdraw from the Asian Tour Qualifying School in January this year due to the injury. I finally recovered in May and have been working hard on my game since then.
“If I can just manage to do what I’ve done over the last two days, I’m sure I’ll win. At the beginning of the week I thought nine-under will be the winning score, now I feel if I’m nine or 10-under for four days, I’ll have a good shot at the title,” added the 32-year-old Malik, one of the most consistent performers on the PGTI over the last decade.
Samarth Dwivedi (67-70) endured a poor start as he bogeyed the 10th and 12th after making three-putts on both occasions. He then made a valiant comeback with an eagle conversion from 20 feet on the 14th and two more birdies on the 18th and first. He made pars on the last eight holes to stay in touch with the lead.
Himmat Singh Rai and Gaurav Pratap Singh were the big gainers on day two. While Himmat moved up from overnight tied 12th to tied third as a result of his 67, Gaurav zoomed from overnight tied 29th to tied fifth courtesy his day’s best score of 66.
The two Ahmedabad-based players in the field, amateurs Anshul Patel and Varun Parikh, closed the day in tied 42nd place at four-over-148.

Yes! Director Deepak Anand is coming up with an action packed flick, The Rally. This movie is an Indian Hindi language movie which also includes romance, action, sports, and drama. The entire information of the movie is revealed by the cast and the director himself, while interacting with media in the press conference held in New Delhi at PVR Plaza, CP. Along with Deepak the lead actor Mirza, actress Arshin Mehta and the producer Rohit Kumar were present for the same.
While asking about his upcoming film, The Rally, Deepak shared several details, he stated, “We shot this movie in nearby areas of Manali, Rohtang. We covered all the Himalayan Valley tracks. This is a first Himalayan Rally film, so we narrated the movie as a Love story. And the locations are fitting the scenes very well.”
On the other hand, leading actor Mirza also shared his experience for his debut, he said, “This is my first movie, I have no such experience, I just indulged in a workshop, then I met Deepak Sir, and now I am living my dream which I was holding inside me since childhood.” Whereas, Arshin shared the similar positive thoughts and seemed thankful and excited for the movie.
The Rally revolves around Kamlapati Dogra, a young man who nurses the dream of participating in the Himalayan Rally since childhood is willing to go to any extent to accomplishing his dream, even if that means cheating and victimizing people. One such victim of Kamalpati’s unethical ways is Bubble whom he betrays for his own gains and in the bargain, loses her. Will Kamlapati participate in the rally and will he mend his way and get his lover back forms the crux. The Rally is a quest between heart and mind. Now, the question is who will win and who will lose.
Featured under the banner of Xiphias Studis. The Rally is slated to hit the screens on 8 September 2017.
President Donald Trump has sent Kenneth Ian Juster’s nomination to the US Senate for the next American ambassador to India. A confirmation hearing of the Senate on his nomination is likely to be scheduled to be held soon.
Juster, played a key role in the Indo-US ties under the Bush Administration. He served as the Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security from 2001 to 2005.
He was also the Deputy Assistant to Trump for the International Economic Affairs and Deputy Director of National Economic Council from January-June this year.
Juster would replace Richard Verma as the top American diplomat to India if his name is confirmed. The position has been vacant since 20th of January after Mr Verma put in his papers as Trump took over as the US President.
Water Resources Minister Nitin Gadkari has said the government aims to begin work on three river inter-linking projects and building two dams in the next three months.
Talking to reporters after a review meeting with senior officials of his Ministry in New Delhi yesterday, Mr Gadkari said, the river inter-linking projects were necessary to tackle flood and drought situations.
He said, the government will use the latest technology in Ken-Betwa, Par-Tapi-Narmada and Damanganga-Pinjal river inter-linking projects. Besides, the government also aims to begin work on Pancheshwar and North Koel dams. The Minister said, these projects will help to irrigate lakhs of hectares.
Mr Gadkari said, he will convene a meeting with the chief ministers of Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh over the Ken-Betwa river inter-linking project.Mr Gadkari said the Ken-Betwa, considered as the first river inter-linking project, will help irrigate nearly 15 lakh acres of area.
Karnataka, noted journalist and activists Gauri Lankesh was shot dead at her Rajarajeshwari Nagar’s residence in Bengaluru last night. Gauri Lankesh was the editor of popular Kannada tabloid Lankesh Patrike founded by her father and well-known writer P Lankesh. Gauri Lankesh was also part of a panel formed by State government to help surrender Naxals to reform.
Home Minister Ramalinga Reddy informed that unidentified persons shot her from close range at around 8 PM yesterday, when she got down form her car at her residence. He has said three team comprising of senior police officer are formed to investigate the crime.
Chief Minister Siddaramaiah has expressed shock at the murder and assured that proper probe will be conducted.
Minister of State for Information and Broadcasting Rajyavardhan Rathore took twitter to denounce the incident. Condemning all acts of violence against journalists, Mr. Rathore said, this is a heinous murder.
AIR correspondent reports that killing of senior journalist known for her out spoken views, is being compared with the murder of rationalist, liberal thinkers, M M Kulburgi, Pansare and Dabholkar in recent years. Several associations of writers and journalists are holding protest in the state today demanding immediate arrest of the perpetrators of crime. Police team appointed to investigate the crime are looking into CCTV footage to identify the suspects.
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