PV Taiwan unfolds at the heart of the Asia-Pacific Region, a region where production and markets are soaring as they are passed the torch from Europe. Success is guaranteed since this event is organized by the big three: TAITRA (the Taiwan External Trade Development Council), SEMI and TPVIA. |
Taiwan PV comes just in time as momentum shifts east. This exclusive show reflects Taiwan’s status among the top two global solar cell producers and opens the best gateway to Asia. When it comes to solar, PV Exhibition and Forum leads the way! |
Highlights of the show are PV Materials & Silicon Wafers / Ingots, Solar Cells / PV Modules / BIPV, PV Power Generator Systems / HCPV / DSSC, Processing Equipment, Evaluation / Testing / Analysis, Solar Application Products, Storage Batteries / Systems, Solar Thermal Products / Systems and much more……………. |
TIGIS 2015 brings you latest and innovative products like Wind Energy, Smart Grid, Battery, Fuel Cell, Freezing, Refrigerating, Air-Conditioning, LED lighting, Solar Power, Biomass Energy, Fuel Saving Vehicle, Electrical Vehicle, Energy Saving Tech & Products, “Energy Saving Label” Products, Recycling, Pollution Prevention Equipment & Material, Organic Products, Plant Factory, Water Resource Services, Water Treatment & Recycle, Water Materials & Instruments, Water Conservation Services, Water Conservancy Project, Water Related Products, Water Saving Device / Accessories, Green Building Related Products, Intelligent Building Related Products, Total Solution, Architecture Technologies, ICT System, Internet of Things, Energy Saving Products, Smart Grid, Surveillance, Wireless Sensor, Energy Infrastructure, Water and Wastewater, Mobility, Eco System, Energy Planning, Sustainable Public Infrastructure, Consulting Management & Design Services. |
Pre - registered buyer can also get a subsidy of free hotel accommodation upto 3 nights (Maximum NTD 15,000).**Terms & conditions apply. |
To register for the show you can contact Ms. Richa Shah – TAITRA Mumbai ontaitra@credencebuzz.net / (022 – 61311555). |
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